Cynthia vs Rogue Part 1

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In another room, Emerald enters a dorm room, with Cinder sewing a black dress and Mercury checking his Scrolls. They were still wearing their Haven uniforms. The red eyed girl smiles as she sits down on a nearby bed.

"So, how did your search go?" Cinder asks, not taking her eyes off of her sewing.

"Honestly, I thought my search would be a lot harder, but it was actually the opposite." She smirks.

Mercury raises an eyebrow as he sits up. "Oh, do tell."

Emerald glares at him, opening her Scroll up to reveal several profiles. "Even though Beacon is one of the more directive combat schools, some written registration is required for some parts. Basic stuff, like your name and other things."

Tapping on one, it revealed a portrait shot of Pyrrha. "Take Metal Queen here for an example. She's Pyrrha Nikos, a former student of Sanctum Academy and a powerhouse of a fighter. She's seen as seemingly invincible by most standards."

"Invincible? How, are you talking about her Semblance? Because I already know what it is." Mercury folds his arms in amusement. "It's Polarity."

"And why would you know that for?" Cinder turns to him. Mercury leans forward, tapping few icons that revealed the footage of the red head going up against the members of Team CRDL.

"See? Look here." Mercury temporary puts slow motion on for a specific scene.

During this intake, it was shown that blows that should've landed on the redhead seemed to have miraculously missed. However, Mercury smiles as he points to a part in which Cardin's mace would've slammed a direct hit. It was shown that his weapon seemed to move ever so slightly, barely enough to make it seem like Pyrrha could parry and deflect the attack with minimal effort.

"She uses her Semblance to make it look like she's invincible, while all she's really doing is manipulating her opponent." He finishes.

"...She's taking fate into her own hands. Interesting." Cinder seemed to be amused actually. Cinder turns back to Emerald. "What about our other person in question?" Emerald had a worried look growing on her face.

"Well, I knew that it would probably be harder to come across information wise. All I managed to scour was that there's small talk of what seemed to be...creatures of some sort that wander in the city sometimes. They're most likely more Pokémon. Guess the Academy is really stuck-up when it came to information regarding that."

Cinder crossed her legs while cupping her chin. "Well, we know that they're in the city, no doubt confused and exploring a new world. With some belonging to this Academy. Roman did say that some of the Pokémon he had back with the White Fang had just been captured, and now have owners." Cinder removes her hand from her chin. "My guess is that they were either lured here, or perhaps there is more going on than what we know."

"Yeah, but that could be anyone...wait, are you suggesting something, Cinder?" Mercury's eyes widen.

"Of course. I only take interest in people that I find unique. Like you know who." She responds.

"Well, it is a bit weird seeing this Professor Shirona-Stone. With powerful Pokémon like hers in a place like Beacon Academy. Her and that rose girl as well." Emerald starts to understand where they're going at.

Cinder smiles as a plan comes to her mind. "Well, in any case, we must continue our plans that are currently going up to record with Roman. Phase 2 is about to begin, but try to gather more information regarding Cynthia. Use any means you deem eligible."

"I'll be doing that...but I have a feeling that it's going to be harder than usual." The green haired girl responds.

"And why is that?"

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