Initiation Part 3

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The Deathstalker comes back out of the woods, it's mandibles clicking furiously as it charges at the Champion duo, readying it's stinger to attack again.

"Garchomp, block it and use Dragon Rush!" Cynthia commands.

As the Deathstalker lashes it's stinger at the Mach Pokémon, it blocks the strike with it's blade wings and the stinger breaks on contact. The Grimm roars in pain and anger as Garchomp pushes it back then leaps in the air. The Mach Pokémon's body became enveloped in blue ethreal fire that forms into a dragon. Garchomp dives down and tackles the Grimm pushing it on it's back, leaving it's underbelly exposed.

"Now use Giga Impact to finish it off!" Cynthia said.

"Gaaaar-!" Garchomp flies into the air and its body becomes surrounded by spiraling orange streaks. "CHOOMP!!" Then, a purple energy sphere surrounds Garchomp's body and it flies into the Deathstalker's exposed area with great force. The Grimm shrieked as it's entire body flew further into the forest, crashing and breaking through the thick trees. Garchomp lands by her trainer, watching the Grimm turn to dust.

With the battle starting to die down, Cynthia and Garchomp walk over to the stuck Ruby. Cynthia had Garchomp bite on the feather and pluck it out from the tree pinning Ruby down before spitting it out, not liking the taste. Ruby stares at the older woman, as she extends her hand out for Ruby. She takes it and helps pull her up on her feet.

"You alright? Nothing hurt, no bleeding?" Cynthia asks with worry.

"Y-Yeah, I'm okay…" She replies as she takes it. Standing up, Yang quickly dashes towards her and gives her a hug.

"I'm so glad you're alright!" She cries out. However, her, and everyone else's attention immediately turns to Cynthia. Then they turned to Garchomp, then to their the Pokémon they found.

Cynthia gave out a long, tired sigh. "Well…I guess you all have some questions that need answers." 

They nodded, but couldn't find the words to speak. Nora was the first to break from her state, with her eyes shining as she jumps about. "That. Was. AWESOME! Can you do it again, can you do it again?!"

Nora's suddenly yelling breaks the rest of the group out from their stupor, with Cynthia flinching from the orange girl's zip to her face. Ruby now notices the Nevermore starting to come around, and some rustling in the forest starting to come back near them as well.

"Guys, we can all talk about this later! Let's get the relics and go!" She orders. Everyone nods, and they start to go back towards the temple.

Once they arrive, Ruby and Jaune go in together. Entering the circle, Jaune and Ruby approach the white rook and knight pieces respectively. As the two come back, Cynthia notices the Deathstalker crash out of the forest once more. She glares as it as she steps back.

"Time to go! Everyone pick up your Pokémon and run!" She instructs.

They didn't know what a 'Pokémon' was, but they could tell she meant the creatures they found. They all picked up their respective new friends, Ren handing Zorua to Ruby so he could pick up his Geodude. The Rock Pokémon was pretty heavy, but nothing he couldn't handle. Pyrrah picks up Growlithe, having no difficulty. The same can't be said about Jaune who was currently having some difficulty. The little pink panda flailed it's paws at the young blonde. Cynthia didn't blame him; Stufful don't like being picked up by strangers. Jaune eventually picks it up, the Flailing Pokémon not flailing anymore but did have a sour expression. 

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