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Galar Region: Wyndon Stadium

"Garchomp, Dragon Rush!"


"Haxorus, X-Scissor!!"


The World Championship match has reached the final round between 5-year reigning Champion, Cynthia of Sinnoh, against Unova's newest and youngest Champion, Iris. Both are down to their last Pokemon with Cynthia's infamous Garchomp and Iris's Haxorus.

Garchomp was covered in an ethereal blue aura that forms into the shape of a dragon, with Haxorus' axe-like blades around its mouth glowing bright. Both charge and soon collide with each other, both trying to overpower the other. Both of their attacks cross through each other until they're on opposite sides of their respective trainers. A moment of silence passes for what feels like an eternity, the audience getting more anxious. Garchomp falls down on one knee while Haxorus completely collapses, defeated.

"Haxorus is unable to battle, Garchomp wins! The victory goes to our now 6 year reigning Champion, Cynthia of the Sinnoh region!!" The ref declares.

The audience roars in applause and admiration for the Sinnoh Champion, confetti and fireworks exploding above them in a fabulous display. Cynthia walks over to her Pokémon, the purple shark dragon growling in content.

"You've done very well, girl. You deserve a long rest. You've earned it." Cynthia speaks in a gentle, proud voice.

Garchomp nuzzles into Cynthia, proud to be by her side. She returns the gesture by rubbing her snout with her hand, gentle and kind as always. Cynthia takes out Garchomp's Pokéball and returns it before walking over to Iris, still beside her Pokémon.

"You did great, Haxorus. We've came so far as the new champion of Unova, and I couldn't be anymore proud of you." Iris said as he hugged Haxorus' neck, the golden dragon rumbling in satisfaction.

"That was a splendid battle." Iris turns to face Cynthia, who's holding her hand out for her to take. Iris takes it and Cynthia helps her up, her grip soft yet firm.

"Thank you so much, Cynthia! Congratulations on your sixth win this year!" They shake hands as custom in tournament rules. Then Cynthia walks over and knees down to Haxorus. Its red eyes would be seen as intimidating to others, but to Cynthia, they're curious and innocent.

"You did well in that battle. I can tell your trainer has taken such great care of you. For that, you both have my respect." Cynthia touches foreheads with Haxorus. Its scales are smooth like metal, yet she can hear its breathing. Slow and rhythmic.

"Hax, Haxorus." It says, which could be translated as, 'Thank you'.

Iris looks at them both, awed at just how Cynthia was with Pokémon. She gets up and walks over to Iris once again to thank her for the battle before making her way out of the stadium.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

At the Rose of the Rondelands, Cynthia has her things packed up and ready to head back home. She feels tired, a small frown on her face as she blew some of her blonde hair out of her face. She considered it an honor to represent Sinnoh as its Champion, but there were a few drawbacks to the title like spending all night planning on her next battle. But now that the tournament's over, she can get all the sleep she'll need.

"I see someone had a rough night." Cynthia looks over her shoulder to see the one face she's always happy to see. She smiles.


Hoenn's Champion, Steven Stone, didn't participate in this year's tournament for a few reasons. One was to give the Galar region's champion, Leon Dande, a chance to show he was no pushover. His Gigantimax Charizard is an absolute destroyer, almost defeating her Garchomp this year. In the end, she came out the victor with a few battle scars. But his main reason was to watch over their children, Garnet and Emily.

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