The Latest Catch! Part 2

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Back again with a new chapter! This one has been split into another part, which will feature Jaune, Ren, Pyrrha, and Yang catching new Pokémon since this one got too long for my taste. It still has a lot of action, and I think you'll all enjoy it.

Jaune and Ren stand in front of the Emerald Forest. Pyrrha and Yang went as a group in the opposite direction from the forest and went to Vale's agricultural district just west of Beacon. It was pretty far away, but those two are more than capable of defending themselves. Especially since they were much MUCH stronger then they were.

"So...where should we go first?" Jaune asks Ren.

"Perhaps we should go east?" He guessed.

"And which way is that?"

"You didn't bring a compass?"

"I thought you had a compass!"

Ren and Jaune are discussing which way they should go to look for Pokémon, but they had an issue. They didn't have a compass, and both their scrolls are dead. There wasn't much time to go back and grab a charger since it was going to be evening soon, and they didn't have a physical compass.

"Okay, so we don't have a compass. This complicates things." Jaune mutters in thought.

"Hey, Arc!"

Jaune turned to see the one and only Cardin Winchester jogging towards them.

"Cardin?!" He was surprised to see him of all people coming towards him. Actually, he was even more surprised to see that his Team wasn't with him.

While Team CRDL's racist escapades had calmed down since the Forever Fall incident, the group was still very anti-faunus. They just chose to ignore them rather than search and antagonize them, which was a huge improvement. The change in tone made Team CRDL less of an active threat, but caused them to bolster their defences against outsiders and made them appear cagey and grumpy.

Their early reputation for bullying earned them the cold shoulder from their classmates and while they had learned to stand on their own academically, their barely average combat skills had left them in the shadows of their ridiculously overpowered peers.

But not Cardin. He looked different, having matured greatly, and his animosity towards the Faunus had lessened overtime. He still didn't like them though, and that was fine so long as he kept his racist comments to himself.

He stops in front of them, panting a little.

"Hey, uh, how's it going?" He started out awkwardly.

"Uhhh...fine?" Jaune says. He and Ren shared a look before looking back at Cardin. "What are you doing here?"

"I, uh," Cardin rubbed the back of his head, a little tense. "I want to come with you guys."

"What?!" Jaune cries out, making Cardin suck in a breath.

"You" Jaune points at the bully, "want to come with us?!" Jaune points between Ren and himself.

Cardin nods silently.

"Why do you want to come with us?" Ren asks him. Cardin releases a short, annoyed groan.

"It's all Goodwitch's idea. She thinks it'd do me some good to...get to know you, guys. Y'know, do stuff besides training."

"And you're asking to come with us why?"

"Because you guys are the only ones that have those Pokemon things." He says, add g "Plus, lets be honest, I'm not good company with the likes of Yang and Pyrrha."

"And with that, I cannot argue."


Jaune and Ren looked at each other, silently discussing whether or not Cardin should come with them. Their past history wasn't the best of sorts, especially since the last time they saw each other Jaune had decked him across the face. There was a small chance of their being some bad blood between Jaune and Cardin, which could be detrimental to their–

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