Long Term Solutions

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Cynthia had just stepped out of the shower, a towel wrapped around her body and one wrapped around her head. Steven had just left to see Headmaster Ozpin to discuss applying for a temporary teaching position as beacons Geologist. He went full-on Dr. Stone when he asked if he could study the Dust Crystals of this world, fascinated by the elemental properties they possessed inside.

Cynthia huffed out a pout that her loving Husband wasn't here with her. She dearly missed him for the past few months. His handsome face, his charisma, and among a few other things. But she can understand his excitement for being in a new world, with new things that weren't native to their own world. But in her mind, the Sinnoh Champion thought that maybe Steven wanted to escape Cynthia before she wanted to start round 7.

Cynthia chuckled with a blush, and refocused on getting dressed for today. She wanted to try on a new outfit for today. While she loved her usual black coat, shirt, pants, and shoes, she wanted to wear something with a little more color. She went through her clothes that had thankfully been packed for her before she came to this world and found, you guessed it, black.

"Haaaaa, I need to upgrade my wardrobe. It's not 2012 for you anymore, old girl." Her fashion palette suited her, but it gets a little boring when you wear the same colors over and over again for nearly a decade.

The time that passed for the Sinnoh Champion worried her for a moment. She was only 37-years old, still at the top of her game after defending her title of World Champion for nearly 5 whole years, and spending time as the Sinnoh Champion for almost her whole life. She was only 8 when she first started her journey, a natural prodigy at heart. She possessed a natural talent for battling that others coveted, and held a deep respect and love for Pokémon in her heart. She started out with her Garchomp when she was only a small Gible. They faced many tough battles throughout their journey together, climbing up the later until they had risen to the top. Only a few years later, they even managed to break through that.

But Cynthia couldn't help worrying that one day, she will have to give up her highly sought out title. Not because she was afraid of losing her game and the vast amounts of fortune. She was afraid of what will come next for her, because she didn't know what to do after her time as Champion comes to an end.

Alder, Unova's previous Champion, opened a trainer camp for young prodigious Pokemon Trainers. Diantha still had her career as a famous Cinema Star and was still young to be the Champion. Lance was another astounding Prodigy like Cynthia, having made the Elite Four at 15 and Champion at 24 after it's previous Champion, Blue Oak, retired as Viridian City's Gym Leader.

And then there was the Champion of Champions, Red. Anyone would jump at the chance to battle the world's Strongest Pokemon Trainer. Cynthia never had the opportunity to meet such an important figure of history, who braved the journey around the world to battle the world's best and finest. But there was such a thing as being too good at what you do, and that's what lead to Red having dropped off the face of the earth.

And that's what Cynthia feared most; her future.

To Cynthia, she had always been Cynthia, "The Goddess of Champions", or "The Sinnoh Champion". But there will come a time when she won't be the Sinnoh Champion, and she didn't know how to really feel about being called a "Goddess." She wasn't invincible, nobody except Arceus, and no one ever will be.

But her age also came with a new problem; she had spent two days and two nights with her Husband to help "relieve her stress", so to speak. She opted to go out today and buy a pregnancy test just to be safe. It was less likely for her to become pregnant around her age, but it was always good to be sure. Still, it was irresponsible of her to let herself go like that. She had missed a whole day of teaching, and now has to make up for it.

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