Chapter 34: Sadness

Start from the beginning

I said to myself before running towards the direction, hearing her screams get louder and louder. To see him standing in front of her. 

Emerald: I-I-I'm sorry. 
I heard fear in her voice, seeing his E/C eyes glaring at her. 

Y/N: Die like them. 
He said as a blade formed. 

I yelled as I threw a kick at him. 


"Get away from her."
I growled, glaring at him. 

Y/N: How pleasant for you to join us. 
He said before grabbing my leg and slamming me into the ground. 

Emerald: MERCURY! 
I heard her calling to me as I groaned in pain. 

Y/N: How ironic. When I died, no one cared. When he will, you'll cry for his.
He said as I slowly got up and threw a punch. 

"You will never touch her."

Y/N: We'll see. 
He said before turning towards her. 

"Run Emerald." 
I told her as she got up and ran. 

Y/N: Hmm. 
He said as he pulled out his sword. 

I yelled before kicking his sword out of his hand. 

Suddenly I was hit across the jaw, falling onto the ground before feeling his foot on my back. 

I screamed as I felt his weight on my spine before feeling him grip my hair. 

Y/N: Now watch her die. 
He said before seeing the inevitable. 


Emerald: AHHH! 
She screamed as I watched her fall to the ground. 

I yelled as I was able to turn around and punched him in the stomach. 


I screamed as I felt his sword stab me in the shoulder before feeling it go deeper into the ground. 

"Now you'll suffer as I have." 
He said as he walked towards her. 


I yelled as I tried to pull out the sword to only see it stay. 

Emerald: MERCURY! 
I heard her scream before hearing a thud. Flesh hitting the ground. 

I yelled as I saw him kick her, sending her towards me. 

Emerald: M-Mercury. 
She said as blood dripped onto the floor.

Emerald: AHH! 
She screamed in pain as he grabbed her by the hair. 

Y/N: Now you'll witness it first hand Mercury. 
He said as he held his sword in hand. 

I begged him as tears formed. 

Emerald: P-P-P-Please Y/n. I-I'm sorry! F-F-For everything!


Dream Ends 

Third Person POV 

Mercury gasped as he woke up, panting heavily as cold sweat ran down his body before looking to see Emerald laying her head on his chest. 

Mercury: Just a dream. 
He said to himself as he felt her breasts against his chest, her hands on his chest. 

Mercury: I'll never let him hurt you. I promise.
He said before kissing her forehead. 

Mercury: I love you baby. 

To Y/N 

Y/N was walking with Yang and Blake back to the dorm as he looked at Yang, seeing her looking down. 

Y/N: Yang. 
He said as he placed his hand on her shoulder, earning a look from her. 

Yang: Yeah. I'm fine. 
She said, her voice devoid of emotion. 

Y/N: Yang.
He said as Yang looked at his E/C eyes, tears forming. 

Y/N: No need to cry. 
He said as he brought her into a hug. 

Yang: I-I-I lost an arm. A-A-And I couldn't protect a friend! 
She sobbed into her shoulder as Blake looked down. 

Y/N: Hey. Hey. 
He said as he looked at her, seeing her lilac eyes looking back at him. 

Y/N: How about we take some time off from here? Maybe grab some food in Vale. Will that help cheer up? 
He asked her before receiving a nod. 

Y/N: When do you want to go? 

 Yang: C-C-Can we go now? 

Y/N: Of course.
He said before turning to Blake. 

Y/N: Want to come along Blake? 
He asked as Blake slowly nod. 

Y/N: Let's go you two. 
He said as he walked with the two. 

While Y/N and Yang walked, Blake slowly looked down as a tear ran down her cheek. 

Blake: I-It's all my fault. Yang is only like this because of me. 

Here is chapter 34 of Who The Monsters Are! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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