Harald's expression immediately hardened. "What?!"

"He means you're both highly intelligent and use your minds to solve problems instead of violence," I said quickly. "That's something that can be used for good or evil."

Randel nodded. "That's right. And I recognized Toki is much worse than you. That was part of the appeal. There is nothing soft about him. Everything he does is cold and rational. I felt I could trust that."

"You were mistaken," Nikora said severely. "Those are the people you can trust the least."

Randel rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Yes, I see that now. And I see I was wrong about you, Harald. Despite all the harm I've caused, you've managed to find all these people who care about you and would risk their lives for you. I thought that was an attribute of the weak, but there's not a Viking here I would initially characterize as weak. Except maybe those two." He jerked his thumb behind him.

"Hey!" Hiccup and Skulder said indignantly.

"Many of these people have led hard lives and have reason not to trust others," Harald said. "We've been able to find comfort in each other and a happiness we didn't now was possible."

"Happiness, huh?" Randel said. "I can't remember the last time I was truly happy. I suppose I stopped thinking it was important."

"I did too at one point. I settled for pleasures that disappear too quickly. I warn you, once you know real happiness, it's hard to live without it." Harald smiled at me, and I squeezed his hand.

Randel looked at me almost in wonder. "You've really helped him out, haven't you, lass?"

I smiled. "I gave him the love he needed. I saw him for who he is and never gave up on him."

Randel nodded. "Thank you for that." His eyes fell on my necklace. "I gave that necklace to Harald's mother when I asked her to marry me. I didn't steal it. In fact, it was the first big purchase I made using money I earned. I was proud of it and even prouder to see her wear it."

"She wore it every day until she gave it to me," Harald said quietly. "She wanted me to pass it on to the woman I loved."

Randel's gaze softened. "I wonder what would have happened if I had stayed. I should have stayed... for both of you. I guess it's too late now."

"Too late to change the past but not to make a better future. It's never too late for that." Harald looked past his father to the other Vikings, who nodded in agreement.

"Join us," I said. "We are diverse individuals with even more diverse pasts. But all that matters is our commitment to each other - and to dragons. We believe we're all better off when we work together. We simply want to live in peace with each other."

Randel rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, I don't know how all of that will work out, but it sounds better than anything else I've known."

"So, you'll help us?" Harald said, examining his face.

Randel shrugged. "If you think I can help, then yes."

Harald smiled. "Good."

"Oh, there's one more thing I want to say to you." Randel stepped closer to him, so I let go of Harald's hand and moved away. He placed his hands on his shoulders while looking directly into his eyes. "I am proud of you, son. You clearly have more of a fulfilling life than I could have ever dreamed of. You have become exactly who you should be. I'm sorry I didn't see your greatness sooner. If you're the only good thing that comes from my life, then that's enough for me. I am proud to have you as my son."

Heart of a Berserker: Love (School of Dragons)Where stories live. Discover now