Chapter 18

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"If only they could feel it too
The happiness I feel with you

They'd know love will find a way
Anywhere we go, we're home
If we are there together

Like dark, turning into day
Somehow we'll come through
Now that I've found you
Love will find a way

- "Love Will Find a Way" from "The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride"

Chapter 18

My mind felt hazy when I awoke. Then a sharp pain in my abdomen brought everything into focus. I kept my eyes closed as the previous day flashed in my mind. Honestly, I only remembered half of what happened after I was injured. Somehow, I had escaped. And someway, I was fine.

I finally opened my eyes and took in my surroundings. I did not recognize the bed or the room I was in. I turned my head to the left and saw Ruffrunner, curled up and fast asleep. Why wasn't he with his family? I looked to the left and saw Harald sleeping on his side, facing me. Warmth spread throughout my body at the sight of him. Everything would be fine now that we were together again.

His eyes opened while I watched him. "Brennda," he said softly, "how are you feeling?"

"It hurts," I said honestly, "but I can manage."

"I'll let the healer know you're awake." Harald stood up and started for the exit. He paused at the door and looked back at the bed. "Leopold, will you help me out here?" The Terrible Terror took off from the end of the bed and hovered before Harald. "Go let Allvaldi know we need him." He opened the door for the little dragon. Then he returned to the bed and sat on the edge.

"Harald, will you tell me what happened yesterday? A lot of it is a blur." I attempted to sit up but winced at the pain. Harald immediately helped me, and he put his arm around me to support me. "We saved the dragons, right?"

"Yes. Everyone got out safely. Ruffrunner elected to stay behind. Don't worry, Toothless and Raija were fine with it."

I glanced at the Night Light with a smile. "He wants to help us find the treasure."

Harald smiled slightly in return. "It would appear so. Anyway, we wouldn't have survived if Nikora hadn't shown up in time and distracted Toki and Randel. She took us to Dark Deep where I asked the Prickleboggle to heal you wound."

"Ah, so that was real. That was very brave of you."

"I only did what I had to do."

"That's exactly what a hero would say." I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder. "And you pulled it off because you're amazing."

"You're the amazing one. Going to Nikora for help? That was completely reckless."

"But it worked. I was right about her."

Harald kissed the top of my head. "Yes, you were, love. You were right about a lot of things. And I am grateful for it."

I pulled back to smirk at him. "I'll prove you wrong anytime."

Harald smiled in response. Then his smile faded as a serious look took over. "Brennda, do you remember what happened right after we arrived at Auction Island?"

I scrunched my eyebrows in thought. "I think I threw up, but the healer took care of it." I felt like I was forgetting something though.

Harald nodded slowly, sadness glistening in his eyes. "Yes. You coughed up blood. Allvaldi - our healer - said... he said you were pregnant. The blood was the baby's."

My eyes widened in shock. "W-What?"

"I'm sorry Brennda. But maybe you're relieved. We never talked about this, after all, and I should have-"

Heart of a Berserker: Love (School of Dragons)Where stories live. Discover now