Phil's not alone

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. He seemed a bit confused and a bit scared of Tori, who looked calm but was dying from fangirling on the inside.

“Um hi,” he spoke in a English accent as I walked up next to Tori, pushing her over a bit.

“Hi,” I replied before Tori could. I chuckled a bit under her breath.

“I heard from my roommate that you guys moved in yesterday, so I decided to walk over and say hi.” He held his hand out.

“I’m Phil, Phil Lester.” I shook his hand.

“I’m Maya and-“

“I’m Tori!” I heard her exclaim, pushing me over. I stumbled a bit, hitting the wall. I rolled my eyes and stood behind Tori.

“Where’s your roommate?” Tori asked.

“Oh, Dan, he’s busy working on some stuff. He might join me later, depending.” I chuckled under my breath again, guessing that Dan was ether recording a video or just busy browsing tumblr.

“Oh cool. Want to come in?” Tori asked, smiling. By the look on Tori’s face, I knew she was about to break into fangirling.

“Sure,” Phil said and Tori and I moved out of the was as Phil walked in. Tori sped walked after Phil and I stayed at the door, watching. I sighed and closed the door. Walking back into the living room, Tori was busy talking to Phil so I say back down on the couch and finished my homework.

A couple of minutes later, Tori and Phil had retired into Tori’s room and I had finished my homework. That’s when the doorbell rang again. I decided to answer so Tori could continue fangirling over Phil. I knew she had to already. I answered the door and to no surprise, Dan Howell stood outside in the hallway.

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