Phan Plan Activated

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I walk out of my room in clean clothes and walk into the living room. Tori is standing in the middle of the living room, on the phone with someone. I hear Tori say goodbye and hang up.

“Well?” I ask, plopping down on the couch.

“When they get the video uploaded, they will be over,” Tori says, plopping down on the couch next to me.

“So what’s the plan again?” I ask, my bad memory kicking in.

“We all hang out on the couch BUT get them to sit together. I’ll keep an eye out for triple L (Love Looks Lester) and you keep an eye out for HEH (Heart Eyes Howell),” Tori tells me and I nod. That’s when the doorbell rings.

“Plan on?” I ask, holding my hand out for a high five.

“Phan on,” Tori replies, this time high fiving me. I laugh a bit before joining Tori to greet them. I stand behind Tori as she opens the door.

“Hey guys!” she says and I wave when we see Dan and Phil standing outside our door.

“Hey,” They both say and Tori and I move out of the way for them. They walk in and I close the door while Tori follows them to the living room. I see Tori take a seat on the side of the couch closes to the front door and in one swift move, I’m sitting next to her.

I quietly laugh to myself as Dan and Phil sit on the other side of the couch next to each other.

“So how was the video?” I ask, pulling my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around my knees.

“Pretty good,” Dan says as him and Phil take a quick glance at each other. I smile, looking over at Tori to see she’s looking over at me. We quietly laugh to ourselves for a second before looking back at them.

“Sorry I couldn’t hang out this morning Maya,” Dan says and I nod.

“It’s okay.”

Our conversation last’s an hour or two before Dan and Phil have to leave. Tori and I lead them to the door and once they’re gone, we turn to each other.

“I got 3 triple L’s; what about you?”

“5 HEH’s,” I say and Tori and I high five.

“So now what?” I ask and we stand in silence for a while. Tori finally shrugs and I laugh. Tori rolls her eyes, hitting my arm again before walking off into her room. When I finally stop laughing, I leave to my room to take a nap.

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