"What the fuck?" I yell out. And see Natasha land on the ground skillfully.

"You're going to pay for that Ford" she says.

"It wasn't my idea" I say stomping on it. She wedges her body into the car with the window now broken.

"What the hell" I say looking at her. She puts on her seatbelt.

"You're buying me dinner" she says narrowing her eyes. I roll my eyes.

"Sure" I say driving to a 24-hour diner.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"That was stupid. Do you not care?" Steve yells at me upset.

"You egged Romanoff" he says furiously.

"Correction. It was technically for you" I retort. "Ugh he's being a dad"

"Hey shhh!" He burst out. "It's my turn to talk"

"Actually It's mine. You ruined my date" I say smirking.

"Aren't you mature" he says sarcastically laughing.

"I like my revenge like my pizza. Cold" I say

"What would you do if egged you" he says Turning the card on me.

"Uhhh that wouldn't happen because you'd say it was a waste of food and resources and then you'd probably just hit me with a pool noodle" I say

"Or make me go in that nasty pussy floaty cup I bought" I say thinking of possibilities. I have a theory he uses them for other unholy things.

Let me explain, he didn't let me keep them even though I told him I'd throw them away because let's be honest it's embarrassing.

Be he continued to say he was going to storage them for memory sake. I wasn't convinced though. At first, I thought; oh wow! Him and Sharon are getting it on! but, then Sharon told me he didn't even kiss her yet. So that made no sense.

"I'm talking!" He says shaking me. "Let me be mad!"

"Steve just forget about the damn thing. It's already been cleaned" i say whining.

"It's the thought that you'd betray me" he says upset. "You're supposed to be on my side not hers"

"I am on your side! I've always been" I say looking at him.

"Doesn't look like it" he says frowning. "You said to trust you because we know each other like the back of our hands"

"To be fair I don't know the back of my hand" I point out. "Or my coochie"

"But I know I'm on your side bud" I say patting his shoulder. "Don't we trust eachother with everything?"

He hesitates for a moment. "I trust you. Do you?"

"With my movie collections in heart" I say smiling.

He cups my cheeks in his big callous hands. And gently careress the apples of my cheek with his rough thumbs. "I love you mags"

He places his forehead to mine bring me closer to a hug. "Thanks for making this easier"

"I'm just so perfect. You wouldn't even know!" I say laughing sarcastically.

"And humble" he mutter placing a kiss on my temple. His eyes bore into my own. His long lashes cover the Caribbean Sea behind them. Like I'm on a beach and the only shade I have is him.

His perfectly rosy lips separated. Taking in his breath and releasing carbon dioxide onto my face.

His nose is pointed at he tip and crooked from the times he must've broken it.

His breath become even more prominent on my face. Like a windy day in the Sahara desert hugging my face in minty pleasure.

I bring my face closer to his. Connecting our lips molding them perfectly in sync with one another.

He arms snakes my waist bringing me closer. I can feel his nose bush against mine as he moves directions for better access.

The door slams closed. I quickly brought back to reality from this dream like state. Steve lips are plumper from the kiss. How long was that?

I open the door and see Sharon running to the elevator tears frame her face as it closes.

What have I done?

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

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