27: Asked On A Date

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Leo pressed his lips together. She was right – he hardly ever visit them since Elizabeth came into his life. He sighed, "I have been busy with work," He replied. "Can I talk to Liam?" He asked. "He is showering right now. Why don't you come over for lunch today?" Mia asked him. Leo thought about it for a few seconds – it has been a while since he spent a full day with Liam so he nodded his head, "Yes, lunch sounds nice. We can go out somewhere Liam likes," Leo suggested. Mia chuckled, "That sounds great! He will be so happy. We will wait for you," She replied. A small smile stretched on his lips, "Alright, see you both later." He said back before he hung up the call.

Leo has hardly been there for Liam since he was hospitalized – he feels guilty for not being there with him when he should be the most. He pushed his hair back and blew his cheeks out – what is he doing? He hasn't been thinking straight since last night. "The – breakfast," he heard Elizabeth's voice and turned around to look at her standing a few feet away. She scratched her head, "The breakfast is ready – you can have it and leave if you want," she shrugged. Leo bit his lower lip – she has heard him talk. Before he could say anything she smiled and walked back into the kitchen – after a few seconds she came out with two plates of fried eggs – each plate had an egg with broken yolk with a side of toast. She walked back in and brought two cups and a kettle with coffee in it following milk, sugar, some cereal, and half-eaten cake. She drew the chair out and sat before looking at Leo – who stood silently. "Come on, let's eat – I am starving." She said with a smile – which was too obvious to be real.

Elizabeth sighed, "So, I took both of the ruined eggs – I need to eat them and see what mistake I made, but still you got one of the ruined eggs, so you have to bear with it. I have bacon as well, but I didn't make them – I thought maybe we could just have eggs, toast, some cereal, and cake – maybe." She rambled. Elizabeth was embarrassed about putting herself in front of him as she did. He doesn't return the feelings and she can't lie – she was a little hurt, but she knows that he is not to be blamed. It is not like they have been together or close to each other for a long time – she shouldn't expect him to return her feelings and now she feels stupid to think that she even thought he would.

"Listen, Elizabeth –" Leo moved forward to speak with her, but Elizabeth didn't let him. She chuckled nervously and licked her dried lips. "No, Leo – you don't have to say anything. I am sorry, okay. I shouldn't have said what I said before. I don't know what I was thinking." She continued, "I feel like I put you in a difficult situation. I completely get it if you don't feel the same – I mean just a couple of weeks ago you hated me – how could you change how you feel in a matter of two weeks. I don't know what I was thinking – I am once again very sorry." She added. Leo sighed, "Will you just listen to me?" He asked. Elizabeth stood on her feet, "I don't think I can," she shook her head. "Or maybe, I just don't want to." She added. She sighed and rubbed her forehead, "I am sorry but I heard you on the phone – I know you made plans with someone and I am pretty sure she was Mia – the girl that said she was your girlfriend. I – I am not sure how to feel about it. I am still conflicted. I mean – I angry at you for sleeping with me when you had feelings for somebody else – even if she is not your girlfriend yet – or maybe I am just rebound – that I don't want to be – but, it doesn't matter – I," Elizabeth was forced to stop when Leo walked hastily towards her and did what he had to do to stop her from rambling further.

Leo held her face and brought close to his – too close. Their lips were just a few inches away from each other. Elizabeth immediately stopped talking and gulped nervously. "You need to shut up and listen to me," he said firmly – Elizabeth didn't dare to speak so, she just nodded her head. Leo mashed his lips together and rested his forehead against hers as he sighed. Elizabeth tried to find his eyes, but they were closed. She didn't move nor did he. They stay like that for a few minutes until Leo looked up at her in the eyes. "I don't know what you are doing to me," He said. "I have said this before and I am saying this again. I am not a cheater nor do I use people for my pleasure." He said. "I don't know what is so appealing and tempting about you that I can't resist. I don't know why I feel this pull towards you that doesn't let me think straight – but whatever it is – it is very real and I am not declining it. I know it is there and I know that it is getting stronger." He said.

Leo paused and sighed before he took a step back, "I don't know if I like you yet," he spoke honestly and his words hurt her a little, "All I know is that I am attracted to you and I don't know where this is going and I know that I have the urge to fight this feeling, but there is a part of me that doesn't let me do that." He added. Elizabeth gulped as her eyes became glossy. "What are we then?" She asked after a small pause. "I don't know but whatever it is – it is hard to stop now," he replied.

Elizabeth sniffed as she felt her eyes burning. Leo continued after a pause, "If you want I will walk away from here. I don't mean to hurt anyone." He added. Elizabeth looked at him with tears in her eyes. She shrugged – trying to control her tears and to keep her emotions to herself. That's what everyone does to her – they leave. She shook her head, "I will not force you to stay or leave – it is up to you. I will respect your decision. If you stay – I will take it as yes, we will be something in the future, but if you decide to leave – I will completely get it. We don't have to have mutual feelings for each other." She added. She was not going to force anyone to stay in her life anyone – because when she does that – she is left hurt in the end and she doesn't think if she can take it anymore.

Leo was silent for a few seconds – he sighed and looked at her, "What if I decide to stay?" He asked. Elizabeth shrugged her shoulder, "Then I want you to at least try and open up to me. I want you to trust me. I want you for more than just sex, Leo. I want the complete you. I want your body, I want your mind and I want your heart." She said as she slowly stepped closer to him. "I don't expect you to give me everything instantly. Take your time – think about me. Give me your time. See if you can see any future with me. Date me." She answered him. She gulped and smiled nervously, "Let me take a step forward and ask you," She said and put her hand on his chest – she could feel his heart racing in his chest. "Leo Wayne, will you go out on a date with me?" She asked him.

Leo smiled softly as he mashed his lips together and nodded his head, "I would love to give it a try," He replied. Elizabeth chuckled and put her arms around him and embraced him in a hug. Leo didn't hesitate this time – he circled his arm around her and hugged her back. She smiled when she felt him sniffing her hair and bit her lower lip and pulled away. Leo's gaze traveled from her eyes to her lips and he leaned forward to kiss her but Elizabeth chuckled and put her finger on his lips. He brought his eyebrows together while she grinned, "No kissing – no sex until we have at least two dates," she said. Leo raised his eyebrow and chuckled, "Will you be able to resist me till then?" He asked seriously. Elizabeth rolled her eyes, "Oh, please." She said and lightly pushed him back.

She gulped and blew her cheeks out, "So – this Mia and Liam – will you tell me about them?" She asked Leo. Leo smiled, "I will – just give me some time. All I can tell you now is that she is not my girlfriend nor Liam is my son – but I love him like mine," He replied. Elizabeth frowned, "Do you know his father?" Elizabeth asked. Leo went silent for a few seconds before he bobbed his head, "Yes, I do." He replied. He gulped, "I want to tell you about them – you just have to trust me and give me some time. I will explain everything." He added. Elizabeth didn't want to push him – she wants to take it slow, so she nodded her head, "Alright, I believe you." She told him. There was an awkward pause between the two of them before she clapped her hands together. She twisted her lips, "So, you have to go now, or can you at least have breakfast?" She asked. "I can eat," he replied. She smiled, "Great," she replied. "Well, I asked you on the first date – you better ask me on the second one," She pointed as they stepped towards the table. He creased his forehead, "What made you think there will be a second one?" He asked. She rolled her eyes and he chuckled softly in return. 

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