24: Just Him And Her

Start from the beginning

Elizabeth blew her cheeks out, "I just want it to end," She said softly as she glanced towards Fred and Jennifer laughing at something Samantha said. "Why did you have this gathering in the first place?" He asked. Elizabeth shrugged, "Ethan had mentioned numerous times about the housewarming party and I felt like a jerk not doing it now," she replied. "The thing is that I don't know many people – so, I hardly had anyone to invite." She added. Leo was silent as he looked at Elizabeth sighing and twisting her lips as she looked around. "You will meet new people around – it hasn't been too long since you came here. Give it some time," He replied. Elizabeth smiled and nodded, "Yes, you are right." She looked back at the mess that was around – including all the furniture and pouted, "I thought inviting fewer people would make it easy to clean up later – but I guess, I am that spoiled brat who doesn't know how to survive without help," she said. Leo didn't answer her back.

The night went slow for Elizabeth and finally, her guests started to return. She thanked them each as the left. In the end, there were just Leo, Fred and Jennifer left to leave. Fred with his hand around Jennifer's waist walked nearer, "So, we will leave now. Thank you for inviting us," He smiled which she didn't return and instead looked at Jennifer, "Thank you so much for all the help, Jennifer." She said. Jennifer smiled, "I am glad to help." She replied and looked at Fred, "Listen, why don't you go home? I will help Elizabeth out to clean up," She said. Elizabeth shook her head immediately, "No, you don't have to. I can easily do it myself," She replied. Jennifer clicked her tongue, "But it will be hard – let me help, please. You must be tired anyway," Jennifer added.

"Don't worry, I will help." Elizabeth, Jennifer, and Fred turned their heads to look at Leo who stood behind them. Elizabeth completely forgot that he was there as well. She had to make Fred leave so, she nodded, "Yes, Leo will help – you shouldn't worry." Elizabeth put her hand on Jennifer's shoulder. Jennifer somehow looked satisfied and sighed, "Alright, but if you need any help – don't hesitate to ask, okay?" She asked Elizabeth who nodded her head, "I definitely will," She replied and embraced Jennifer in a hug – the guilt in her was suffocating her and she wants nothing more than telling her the truth about the guy she was in love with. After Jennifer and Fred left – Elizabeth closed the door behind them and blew out her cheeks.

She turned around to see Leo emptying two bowls of Doritos in one. Elizabeth bit her lower lip, "Hey, you don't have to do it," she said as she walked towards him. He paused and turned his head around, "It is okay. I want to help,' he replied before he cleared up all the snacks bowls and empty glasses from the table and took them in the kitchen. Elizabeth felt like a dolt standing when he was working so, she helped him and within an hour they were done cleaning up. Elizabeth rested her hands on her hipbone, "Well, I will vacuum tomorrow," she said and looked at Leo. She passed him a smile, "Thank you for your help, I needed that." She said to him as she moved her couch back to its place. He huffed and looked at her, "No problem," he replied. There was a small pause between the two of them. Leo opened his mouth to say something so, Elizabeth cut her off. "Would you like to have a drink?" she asked him. She knows he would be leaving by now and she didn't want him to go.

Leo pressed his lips together and looked at his wristwatch before he replied. "Sure," he bobbed his head. Elizabeth grinned and went to the kitchen to take two chilled beer bottles out of the fridge. She opened the bottles and went outside. Leo was sitting on the couch when she gave him the bottle. He thanked her and took a sip. Elizabeth sat on the wooden coffee table in front of him, "So, how do you feel about becoming an uncle?" she asked excitedly. Leo's eyes widened as he almost spilled the beer out. Elizabeth knitted her eyebrows together as he wiped his mouth. Elizabeth turned around and picked up the tissue box from the table she was sitting on and handed it to him. She wiped his mouth and looked at Elizabeth, "What do you mean I am going to be an uncle?" He questioned and that's when she realized that Leo didn't know yet.

She gulped, "I meant – you know, in general. How would it be like for you if Silas and Maria have children." She tried to cover it up, but Leo wasn't having it – he quietly stared at her. Elizabeth sighed and put the bottle on the table, "Fine," she mumbled. "I didn't know that Maria didn't tell you yet about the baby they are adopting." She said and quickly added, "Please, don't tell Maria that I already told you." Leo was silent as he leaned back to the couch and rubbed his face, "Wow," he chuckled dryly. "My sister is going to adopt a baby and I don't know about it," he said. Elizabeth could see him getting agitated and he had every right to feel in such a way – Leo is Maria's only brother. It must be hard for him to know that she hasn't told him yet. Elizabeth was completely silent and so was Leo was stared into nothing with a deep frown draw on his forehead.

After a minute or so, he averted his gaze to look at Elizabeth and asked, "Am I that hard to please?" He asked her. Elizabeth knitted her eyebrows as he continued, "My sister didn't tell me about adopting a baby. Does she think I will be hard on her if she will tell me?" He asked. Elizabeth wasn't sure how to respond. It was the first time he ever asked her anything. She shook her head, "She loves you a lot," Elizabeth replied. Leo glanced at her and sighed – he didn't reply to her.

Elizabeth took a deep breath and spoke, "Listen, yes – you are a little too hard on her and Silas. And I know you have every right to." She said. "But, despite that, I know that you are very important to her and she must be taking her time to think about the ways to break this news to you without making you angry," Elizabeth added. "Leo, we all know that you don't approve of Maria and Silas's relationship and maybe she is just a little scared to tell you this – I am sure she must be worried to push you away from her." She told him. Leo was silent as he listened to her speak. "You need to be a little more supportive of Maria and Silas, Leo. They are happy together." She said.

Leo gulped as he felt a lump in his throat, "I am just – I don't want her to suffer anymore. She had enough." He broke his silence. It was probably the first time Leo was talking about his feelings to somebody else. He never shares or speaks about how he feels to anyone – Elizabeth felt different to him. He felt like he could talk to her – even though, he didn't want to. Elizabeth smiled and put her hand on his knee, "I know you don't. Elizabeth knows and so does Silas – but let me tell you this Leo – Silas doesn't want to hurt her again either. You should listen to him – you should look at the way he looks at her – he is crazy about her. And I know my brother would never hurt your sister – ever again." She told him softly. Leo glanced at her hand on his knee and nodded his head.

Elizabeth and Leo were completely silent as she slowly withdrew her hand away from him. Leo mashed his lips together and looked at Elizabeth, "I should leave now," he spoke. Elizabeth, even though didn't want him to leave so soon, nodded her head. Leo must be upset from getting such big news from Elizabeth therefore she didn't press him to stay and at least finish his drink. Leo got up on his feet and so did Elizabeth. "Thank s for inviting me," He said. Elizabeth smiled softly and nodded, "And thanks for coming," she replied. "I know it must hard to take time out of your busy schedule and also, thank you for helping me clean." She added. Leo gave her a half-smile and nodded before he walked towards the door.

Elizabeth sighed and followed him to close the door behind him. He stopped just at the door while his hand was on the doorknob. Elizabeth looked bewilderedly as he bowed his head. She noticed his shoulders rising before she heard him loud and clear, "Fuck it," he mumbled and turned around. It didn't take long for Elizabeth to realize what was about to happen and she didn't want to stop him either. He walked hastily towards him and held her face in his hands – pulling her closer. "What is it in you I can't fight?" He mumbled as he pulled her face closer to hers. Her eyes wandered at his knitted eyebrows to his creased forehead to finally his lips. She shrugged, "I don't know," Elizabeth mumbled. She didn't get the chance to say more as his lips assertively pressed against hers. 

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