Chapter 40

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Juhi found Vikram's behavior absurd.

By the look on his face, she knew something was terribly wrong.

She followed him downstairs. She was slow in his competition but he had a head start. While she stood there gazing at his back until he disappeared into the elevator. She had snapped out of it and followed behind him.

She ran to the hospital entrance but couldn't find any trace of Vikram. She kept looking here and there, until she heard an ear piercing scream. She followed the voice that led her to the same OR where she sat a day before. Difference was people were surrounding someone.

Her heart beats fastened, could it be Vikram?

She trudged there and moved a few people to the side, to have a better look. Once she saw the person, she fell down to her knees, screaming on top of her voice, " Vikram! Vikram! Get up! You can't leave me!"

The staff had taken charge already. They had gone to bring the stretcher, when they saw someone wailing for the man. They were accustomed to such painful scenarios. One of the nurse took the lady to the side and sat her down. While the staff transferred him to the OR.

She couldn't speak nor see.

She was scared, scared that Vikram will leave her. She joined her hands to pray, for his survival.

Sneha arrived in front of the OR, Rahul was in. She saw a disheveled Juhi sitting there accompanied by a nurse.

She looked around for Vikram but couldn't spot him. Though her eyes caught sight of the blood on the floor. She shivered, " Is it Rahul's blood?" She asked pointing to the OR to none in particular.

But the nurse heard her, " No maam, it is of the man who was stabbed here a few minutes back."

" Stabbed? Who?"

The nurse was new and had no control over her tongue. She blurted, " She is the relative of the man." She pointed towards Juhi.

If Rahul's fall was not enough of a damage to her, it was this news that crumpled her.

She shaked Juhi out of her trance and asked, " Where is Vikram, Juhi?"

Sneha asked again and again but Juhi failed to respond. She even slapped her twice but she didnt budge. Her eyes saw the pain in Juhi's eyes, it was the unsaid truth.

The man who was stabbed was Vikram!

She asked the nurse about his whereabouts and she pointed to the OR on the side.

She managed to wake Juhi from her trance and forced her to that side. Both of them waiting anxiously outside the ORs for the survival of their loved ones.

She was pregnant after 3 years of marriage.

Her husband was very loving.

He promised the world to her.

She was a beautiful wife and an aspiring mother. She had completed her pregnancy at 8 months. The baby was premature born. It decided to come on a rainy day.

It was already a difficult pregnancy with lots of complications and adding on that her labour started a month before and she dismissed them to be false contractions. But when they didn't stop and worsened with passing time, she knew it was time. They rushed her to the hospital where she was taken in labour room. .

Although the labor pains were getting harder with time, she couldn't push the child. The doctor suddenly screamed to arrange OR. Why? Because the child could die.

She was immediately transferred to the OR. Her last thoughts before unconsciousness were for the wellbeing of the child. She was out of consciousness for a good amount of time. But when her eyes opened, her eyes travelled to her belly that was flatter for a change. She gasped when realization hit and looked around for her child.

She was writhing for an answer when a hand touched her forehead, calming her down. She saw the owner of the hand, it was her brother.

Asking him about her child, she was given the response to wait for a while. The child was born weak. She sighed, at least her child was alive.

After an hour, her husband entered with a bundle of joy in his arms. He smiled at her and handed over the baby to her. She caressed the child lovingly. He was perfect just a little weak. She looked up at her husband to share the happiness, but found tears in his eyes.

When asked why he was crying, he replied, " They are happy tears. Thank you, darling." He pecked her forehead.

Years passed and she gave her everything to the child, but somehow, she never felt a connection, or so she thought.

She was a money minded lady, and her child kept her away from that. To her annoyance, her husband shifted her from their business to manage an NGO, which was selfless work.

She expressed her displeasure many a times, but it was unheard. This led to her frustrations being directed at her child.

The child was a very good child, despite her rough attitude towards him, he loved her. To gain her love he planted Roses all over the garden, as they were her favorite. He tried cooking and what not to please her.

Sometimes she used to appreciate him But many a times his attempts were useless. She turned a blind eye to them.

A few months into the new job, she found out a way to gain more money. She became busier to the point she handed over the responsibility of her child to the house staff. She had full confidence on her Genes and staff.

But as they say, greed ruins a lot of things. She had made a lot of enemies over the time, but she remained undefeated.

One of them, had the courage to delve into her past. He found a horrible truth and he exposed it and threatened her.

Her world collapsed that day and she decided to confront her husband. She found him playing football with her teen boy, she couldn't muster the courage to do so. She secretively took a strand of hair of her son and sent it to lab.

The results came and proved the man right. She had been fooled for seventeen years by her own family!

Hands covered with blood.

Blood of a person, who was her life once upon a time but had become unwanted later.

She was forced to believe him to be a part of hers until he became seventeen.

There was a reason why she felt no connection with the boy.

He was not hers! She was tricked, tricked her whole life.

The people involved had to suffer, right?

Author's note:

Adopting is a good deed. You provide shelter to the child and he, his selfless love.

This is just a story where she gives more importance to Genes over love.

Please don't think much of it. It is a fiction for a reason.

P.S. How was the revelation?

Stay tuned.

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