New Places

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You were late, but you still stuck with your morning routine rushing through it quickly, checking the checklist off of your mind. An 8-ounce glass of water, well gulping it. Teeth brushed in the shower, quickly scrubbing your hair with large amounts of shampoo and conditioner. Lotion slapped on, deodorant.

You were glad that you prepped your outfit the previous night. You placed on a white button-up blouse, black slacks, black pumps, and your black blazer. Rushing to apply makeup, you only focused on hiding your under-eye bags, hello staying up until four in the morning, using clear gel on your eyebrows, mascara, and lipgloss.

Rushing out of your room, you tripped on stacked boxes. You just recently moved to California from your home state of Florida. Graduating Law School and moving to California was your best accomplishment. Having just enough money to move across the country, you managed to find a one-bedroom apartment near your work, where you are a research assistant for legal aid while you prepare to take the Bar to be able to move up as a lawyer.

Rubbing your ass from where you fell, you stood up, grabbing your purse and placing granola bars, filling your water bottle, and hearing your phone ring. Fuck where is my phone? A mess is what you were. The phone lit through your pillow. Diving on your bed, you picked it up and answered, not looking at who it was.

"Hello." You spoke to the phone, holding your heavy breath.

"Hey, this is Max, um from West Legal. I left my key card in my apartment, and Stefan won't be in the office until an hour."

You closed your eyes, pumping your fist, "I'm only about ten minutes away. Would you like me to pick up coffee?"

"No! My treat for your first day. Just meet me in the main hall in front of the main deck. Bye."

Max worked alongside you. He was also the one who interviewed you over the phone. To which you learned, Max was very bubbly and well loud, which you had to hold your breath for, but he was your first friend in California, and he was kind, which you didn't see much.

Getting back up to your bathroom, you sprayed on your favorite perfume, brushing your hair and placing it in a tight low ponytail. Putting on small hoop earrings. Grabbing all the things, you ran down the stairs to your buildings' garage, hopping into your car.


Pulling into the car parking lot, the modern black building full of windows, you were excited to go in for your first day in the office. You quickly walked in, waiting in the lobby for Max.  A young man with curly hair down to his jaw walked in, a smile already on his face seeing you. His voice did match his looks.

"Max, good morning." You spoke, walking up to him, extending your arm to shake his.

"Good morning. I still can't believe you are here in person and not just a voice. How crazy?"

You grinned, "Is this my coffee?" You questioned, pointing to the cups in his hand.

"Well, yes, but I didn't know how you liked your coffee, so it's pure black, but I grabbed every creamer, sugar, and I managed to get a cup of butter."

"Butter? Thank you for grabbing this very kind of you."

"I don't know some people like butter in their coffee, and anytime coffee is a must here." He pointed to the elevator, which you nodded.

"Today's task is pretty much the usual, researching for the cases that the lawyers do. Stefan is our main lawyer in the office, Jamie isn't in much, but everyone is serious when she is."

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