Thank You!

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What?!! I actually can't believe this!

I need to give a huge thank you to all of you! It's almost been a year of publishing this story, my actual writing baby! And if I could, I'd individually thank each and every one of you, give you gifts to show my appreciation for coming along with me on my writing journey. I definitely would. (insert eyes emoji here!)

Each vote, comment, read, and message has meant so much to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Every chapter let me explore what I liked to write, how I could write, and let the flame that I thought was put out for years back bright with my love for writing. I'm so happy to have met and talked with so many of you. And even if we haven't...let's change that!

Thank you for being so patient with me on my first fanfic! This has been a process that I was by myself for (I'm hoping to change because I'm super shy!). I want to give a big thank you to my Adam Driver discord group chat from a year ago, who encouraged me to publish the first chapter of this story. From that, it allowed me to write about a fictional man I have loved ever since.

As for the future, I have so many ideas for projects that I have been planning out. But for now, you can find me on my socials (Twitter and TikTok) and even message me if you'd like. I would love to stay in touch with all of you. All the info will be on my profile. Also, if any of you have stories of your own, I'd love to read each and every word of yours! So feel free to send them my way!

Again, thank you, thank you, thank you so much!! Take care of yourselves, and I'll see you soon with whatever is next. For one last time before who knows when- xoxo Mel <3

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