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Glancing at your phone again, you bent down to place Sunny's bowl on the ground. The bright flash of the lightning entering your dimly lit apartment, followed by the rumbling of the loud thunder that you could feel under your feet. It had been raining since the moment you opened your eyes—the downpour of rain flooding the streets from what you could see from your window.

You walked to your fridge, clicking your tongue as your eyes scanned the many condiments rather than food items that you needed to have. You couldn't remember the last time you did some shopping, relying on phone numbers to drop off your three meals. You felt warm arms wrap around your waist, the heaviness of a head resting on your shoulder.

"How was your shower?"

"Hm, lonely," Charlie spoke, kissing your cheek. You felt his hand run down your leg into your pocket, "Now you are fifty dollars richer."

The storm changing quickly. Charlie was so sure that your power would go out first. Wanting for you to go over to his house until it all passed. Which you declined, fully knowing his would go out first. Charlie being Charlie, gently argued with you over it, which you playfully did back. Being so stubborn, he made a bet. If your power went out first, you would have to give him fifty dollars, the opposite for him. A knock on your door with a wet Charlie answered who did, in fact, win.

"It's okay to sometimes say you are wrong." You turned to wrap your arms behind his head, hearing the sound of the fridge door close behind you. His wet hair began to form into waves, his glowing skin illuminating his handsome face.

"I was so sure."

Charlie placed his hands on your hips, pulling you to sit on top of the counter. His hips opening your legs as he stepped between them. You lifted your hand to brush his hair behind his ear before he leaned in to kiss you sweetly.

"Just not this time." You chuckled, "Did you hear from Henry or Nicole yet?"

"Henry was able to reach me from this area. They are both at Nicole's sister's house in Santa Barbara. It's not so bad over there."

"Does that mean you won't see him until Monday?"

"That's right."

The softness of Charlie's voice reflected his face. You could tell he missed Henry. All he wanted to do was see his son.

You hugged him, your hand brushing through his hair, "I'm sorry. I know how much you want to see him." You softly spoke, pulling away.

Charlie chuckled, resting his hands on your jaw, "It's alright, sweetheart. As long as he is safe and it's not so bad with you."

"Hey," You shook your head at Charlie, his eyes looking so deep into yours, "You can always use my laptop to call him. You know, face to face."

"You'd let me?"

"Of course I would. What's yours is mine." Charlie glanced at the ground, catching sight of Sunny in her bed. "I wouldn't mind."

Charlie leaned down to meet his lips with yours again. Lingering his lips on yours as the impactful sound of the rain hit the roof of the building. It was those kisses that made you want to dramatically sigh or raise your foot behind you. So sweet, it made your heart pound, fully knowing Charlie could feel it.

"How'd did I get so lucky with you?" Charlie added, his hands resting on the sides of your neck. "I sometimes feel like I am dreaming."

"I feel the same way about you, but you have to wake up." You murmured onto his lips.

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