In the End

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Breathe in.

Sucking air through his teeth, Charlie felt the ends of his damp hair shake with his breath. He gripped the sides of the sink, the steam from his shower lingering on the nearby walls. It wasn't until he looked at himself in the mirror that he exhaled.

Once in a blue moon before a show, Charlie feels his heartbeat quicker, chills running up his spine as a cold sweat washes through his body. A hot shower was just the thing to make him calm down from the nervousness that felt foreign at times. The adrenaline rushing in to take over the feeling.

Scrunching his wet hair with a towel, Charlie rubs his hand on his soft skin, the facial hair that used to lay there, gone with a quick decision. This night with the final show felt different to him. Something lingered in the air that it would be remembered forever.

"It's gotten longer." A soft voice fills the silence of his bathroom. Charlie glances at the mirror, watching as Nicole stands behind Charlie, pointing to his head.

"It has," Charlie chuckles before turning around to face her. His eyes meeting her bright, sparkling green eyes. "I haven't really thought of it."

"I don't mind doing a little trim. May I?" Nicole questions, staying still, waiting for Charlie to answer. "It won't take long."

With a slight nod, Charlie places his towel around his shoulders, beginning to sit on the side of the bathtub as Nicole goes to open a drawer. Instantly knowing where his scissors laid, her light steps went to the side of Charlie. He feels her fingers press down on his hair, hearing the quick cut that she makes, his soft hair landing close to his feet.

It continued this way, the rhythmic cuts, the light weight of his hair landing around his toes. Charlie thought he should bring up a conversation or keep the silence of their atmosphere that happened to be normal to them now.

"You're nervous." Nicole breaks the silence first, the click of her heels, quick as she changes sides to work on the left side of Charlie's hair.

"How can you tell?" Charlie adds, quickly shutting his mouth as his own leg answers her question. He didn't realize his leg bouncing swiftly. A habit he realized he was doing more often. "I guess you could say that."

"You guess? Close your eyes." She laughs. Her steps were in front of him now. Charlie closes his eyes, his fingertips quickly going to the bridge of his nose to remove the itchy ends of his hair that fell on his face. "There, that's better."

"Was it that bad before?"

"No, just different."

"So bad?"

Feeling her hands tap his shoulders, Charlie opens his eyes, watching her walk away. His hands running through his hair again, he stands up, placing his white button-up shirt on before tucking it in. Shortly after, Nicole, with a broom in her hand, gestures towards the floor. Charlie whispers an apology as he squeezes past her to the hallway, letting her have the space in the bathroom to clean the floor.

"I need to get used to the space again." Nicole glances up to Charlie, her head turning to scan his bathroom. "Remember all those times we would have to get used to each other being in the way? Crazy times."

"Feels like a long time ago." Charlie squints his eyes, agreeing, wondering if he overthinks what she says, making Nicole do the same thing. "Again?" He decides to bring it up, not letting his doubts linger.

"Let's not do this now before your show." Nicole picks up the hair on the ground, placing it in the trash against the wall. "I slipped up my words, but don't worry, Charlie. Nothing bad, I promise you. Just focus on your show. You have to leave soon."

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