Chapter 25: Just a Dream

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--Kenna’s POV--

I sat up gasping for air as the bed sheets fell down onto my lap. My brows furrowed as I looked around the room. How did I get in here? I was just in the bathtub under water and ran out of air so I sat up and now I’m lying in bed in a room that doesn’t look like my room.

The door flew open and a little boy ran in smiling.

“Mamma!” He said jumping onto the bed

“Rylen I told you to let your mom sleep in today.” Ryder said laughing as he walked in cradling a baby in his arms with a little girl following behind him.

The boy didn’t look like Rylen. My Rylen had a dark hair and piercing green eyes with his daddy’s dimples and my smile and was barely one. This little boy, this Rylen, had dirty blonde hair with piercing blue eyes that matched Ryder and he looked to be nearly five years old.

The little girl looked like an older Rose. She had dark brown hair with natural light brown highlights, piercing hazel eyes that I could tell change color depending on what she wore. She couldn’t be, no older than three years old.

“Go on Rose join your brother and mom on the bed.” Ryder said helping her up

She smiled and sat beside Ryder in front of me.

“Mamma?” Rose said but I just stared at her, Rylen, Ryder and the baby

Who was the baby and why were my kids older? Why does Rylen look like Ryder? More importantly what the hell is going on?


I looked over at the bedside table and saw two pictures. The first was Ryder and I with the kids while the second one was of the kids.

“Kenna!” Ryder called causing me to snap my head in his direction

“What?” I whispered

He furrowed his brows “Kids why don’t you go downstairs and help your grandparents in the kitchen and ask grandpa to come get your brother.”

Rylen and Rose nodded and jumped off the bed heading for the door but stopped and looked back at me smiling “Happy birthday mamma!” They said and then ran out laughing

Gunner came up a couple seconds later and took the baby and then left after telling me happy birthday.

Ryder sat on the bed beside me “Babe are you okay?” He asked and I shook my head no “What’s wrong?”

I furrowed my eyebrows “I…. I’m confused…” I looked at him “I was just in the bathtub and now I’m in here….” I trailed off

He looked at me “No last night you fell asleep on the couch watching TV with everyone so I carried you up to bed and that’s where you’ve been.” He grabbed my hand “Maybe it was just a dream.”

“It felt fu-cking real Ryder.” I said looked at him “So real…”

“Tell me what happened.” He said so I launched into what happened leaving nothing out

“And then I woke up here.” I said looking at him

“It was just a dream baby.” He said “Hell Hounds never made it passed their first attempt at taking out one of our guys. Your dad and Reaper took them out and made sure there were no other threats.”

“But Ryker…” I trailed off “I only had two kids… I was 16 going on 17… Mom was gone…”

 “Don’t you remember anything?” He asked softly

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