Chapter 5: Tension withing bloodlines

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Sinner's Faith was club enemies with The Reaper's for the longest time, it dated back to before my father was even president. My great great grandfather was John Dillinger, he was president when Steven Roberts was president of the Sinner's Faith. Truthfully the reason they hate each other is because of a woman named Elizabeth Marie Canes, she was a smart and deceiving woman who knew her way around the books. Elizabeth was Steven's old lady but she was my grandfather's mistress. She stole intel from Roberts and gave it to Dillinger. It started a bloody war and the trust was broke along with gun deals and arrangements for both clubs. Both clubs came to agreement that they would be civil with each other for the sake of our small town, Territory lines were drawn and treaties were made. My father believes Sinner's Faith President, Kaden Roberts was responsible for the shooting at the café which killed Kenna's and my mother. With that being said, you can only imagine how freaked out the two "tough" bikers riding alongside of me were when we pulled up to their gated clubhouse. I was packing, and I'm sure they were too but we were uninvited and considered a threat. I wasn't afraid. I thought it to be laughable when the two bikers riding alongside me slowed down because the danger of the situation. I smirked at the irony. Pulling up to the open gate, I slow down and pull into the gate. I'm not wearing a cut like the two idiots behind me so I'm suspected to be a customer for their auto garage. "That's a beautiful bike, miss. Sounds like it's running fine." A older man smiles friendly at me. "What can I do for you?" I step of my bike and shake out my hair. "I'm here to see President Roberts." I smirk at him and watches his expression change from friendly to on-guard. "What business do you have with him?" He speaks with edge, it's hot. I take a step closer so my face is in his. "Just a couple questions for the Sinner." I smirk. The older man looks at me a little while longer before he looks behind me. "Reaper's? What the fuck are you doing here?" The older man's face looks deadly. "Just listen to the lady, Skull." Muse says sharply. This skull guy looks at me again. "Prospect. Get the prez." Skull yells over his shoulder without taking his eyes off me. "Standing out here is nice and all but I need a drink after today's chaos. Invite me in, ya?" I smirk and walk past him. I've been here only one other time and that was years ago. My mother had made a trip up here to see Roberts for some Intel he had on the Hell Hounds but that's another story. I walk into the clubhouse to see a scatter of members playing pool, having dry sex or drinking. It looked like home except different people. As people started to realize my presence and the boys cuts, it went quiet and eerie but I'm not one to be afraid of quiet situation. I smirk and walk over to the prospect behind the bar and wink. "Whiskey please." I demand. The prospect glances around me and then back at me, "I-I d-don't think so." I raise an eyebrow and go to speak back but I'm interrupted once again. "Get her the drink Barry." I smirk and glance over my shoulder to see tall dark and totally fu©kable. Turning back around to look at this Barry guy, I smile sweetly. "Drink. Now." I demand. He sets it down and I drink without further a due. "So what brings the Reaper's here?" The tall dark and totally fu©kable man spoke again. "Unless your name is Kaden Roberts, it's none of your fu©king business." I smirk at him and from the corner of my eye, I can see Muse and Tank fidget. Fu©k. Something's wrong. "He's dead. I'm the president now." The man said. I was shocked at the news. I had pulled my gun within seconds and pointed it at Muse and Tank. "Speak. Now." I was fuming. I walked in looking like a idiot not knowing this sh!t. Muse and Tank stumble over words with their hands held high. "He died last year, gunned down." The man growled out. "By who?" I spoke through clenched teeth. The atmosphere was thick with tension and my gun was still on Muse and Tank. I demand respect and I will get it one way or another. "We suspect the Hell Hounds." The man spoke. I lowered my weapon. "When we leave, your in trouble but right now I need a word with their president." I spoke in Muse and Tank's direction. I look at this guy and walk towards him with a smirk. "My name's Ice. You'll probably know my real name better though. Isis Dillinger. " I pause as whispers break out around us. "I need to speak to you, in private." I drop my smirk and look emotionless. He nods and starts leading the way to their meeting room. He takes a seat and gestures across for me, I close the door and take a deep breath. "Name?" I ask. "Stone. Kade 'Stone' Roberts." I look up at him through my lashes. "Kade." I breathe. "Yeah." He looks down at me. "I-I didn't know. I'm sorry." He nods and he clears his throat. "So Ice huh?" He smirks at me. "Shut up." I chuckle. He gets serious. "What's going on, Isis? You don't just come rolling up into my clubhouse for nothing. I didn't even know you were back." He speaks fast and curious. "My Aunt died. Forced to come back. I was coming to ask about a shooting that happened yesterday. Rose was injured. It was a hit, Kade." I spoke hushed. He looked concerned. The thing is Kade, Ryder, Rose and, I were all close because our mother's didn't believe in hating each other because of another's greed. They were all best friend's. When my mother died, I never saw Kade again. "Sh!t. Is she okay?" Kade was on edge. "Yeah she's fine. I have connections in California but I can only do so much. I need you to look into it." I say softly. He nods at me. "Sure." I nod. "I have people coming down from my old club and I need you to be aware of them so if they cross territory lines your men don't take them down." I explain. "I can do that, Isis." I nod and thank him, taking my cue to leave. "Isis, I'm sorry about your mom. It wasn't us." He spoke just as I reached the door. "Some of our men were killed in a shooting as well. Including my father." I take a deep breath. "I never doubted you Kade." I leave without another word, heading back to my father's club house. As much as I dislike my father, my men needed comfortability and safety. The clubhouse offered that, so I had to let my father know what was happening this time tomorrow. "Let's go." I said coldly to Muse and Tank. They quietly walk along. "We thought you knew." Muse said. "I looked like an idiot." I spoke coldly. "A hot idiot." Tank winked. I playfully punched him. "That's not the point." I say. "We know. We're sorry." I nod. "Alright. Back to the clubhouse, I have to make arrangements." They nod and straddle their bikes. We're flying down the interstate within seconds.

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