Chapter 3: See you soon and Plenty of Booze.

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Chapter contains sexual scenes, please be advised if your under the age of 16. Thank you.

Happy Reading.

--Isis's POV--

That stupid @ss case working b!tch, she happened to run away with her tail tucked because she knew that our dads were gonna to be escorting us. Our fathers apparently thought we would dip out on the arrangement so they took it upon themselves to make the trip up to escort us to Homestead, Florida.

That right there just comes to show how much they really don't know us. Kenna and I don't run from our problems, we stand and fight till we can't. They ride home was quiet mostly because we couldn't speak over the roar of our bikes, although I had purposely made sure to remind Kenna that we had to make a stop by our club so we could drop our car keys off.

Since we are riding up on our bikes, we can't drive up our cars. We know that Sammy Boy will arrange for them to come down by having the boys drive them down; after all they were his gifts to us.

I smiled and winked at Kenna.

"We have to drop our car keys off at a friend's place before we leave. They'll drive our cars up later." I spoke as emotionless as my face was.

Our father's nod and straddle their bikes.

Kenna scoffs. "Fu©king emotionless @ssholes."

I chuckle.

"This will be fun. Ring Sammy Boy." I smirk at Kenna.

She chuckles darkly. "Already on it."

I nod and grab my sh!t throwing it into the car they brought. My ripped jeans and tight black tank top is a perfect ride outfit, comfortable and cute. Black combat boots and my leather jacket top it all off. I turned in my cut yesterday and so did Kenna, it felt different not having it with me.

I threw my leg over my bike and ran my fingers threw my hair, before slipping my shades on and throwing my bike in throttle and easing off the break. Kenna rode next to me and letting out a laugh as we speed up. We had to slow down though, the clubhouse was close and we wanted to be prepared. Sammy wasn't expecting us and there have been a couple new recruits whom haven't met us.

Rolling up to the gate, we pulled in and killed our engines getting off our bikes.

"I'm sorry ladies. We have enough club whores. Go home." A burly man smirked as he checks out or @sses.

"Now, wait a minute, for that fine piece of a-ss. I can make an exception." Another man spoke standing beside him.

I looked at Kenna, whom looked at me with a smirk. It happened so fast the three men had no idea what happened, one minute they were standing and the next they're on the floor with guns point at them.

"Now, your new so well let that pass. I'm Ice, this is Fire."

That's what club members called us.

"Otherwise known as Dos Diablo's." Kenna finishes for me.

Fear flashes through their eyes and they began trembling.

"Always causing trouble Diablo's De la mina [Devils of mine]." A voice chuckles behind us.

We laugh and release the men under us.

"You know us well, Sammy Boy." I wink and hug him.

"¿Qué te trae por aquí ? [What brings you here?] Thought you were leaving today?" Sam asks.

"They are." My father speaks gruffly from behind me.

"Who are you intrusos [trespassers]?" Sam looks to us. "Explain ahora.[now]" He looks to us.

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