Chapter 18: Resisting and Big Surprises

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--Isis's POV--

"Stop fighting me, Isis Nicole." Kade growls out.

"It's not happening Kade" I glower at him.

"Actually, it is Diablo and I are taking over for a day and you're going to spend the day relaxing. Your pregnant baby girl gotta keep stress to a minimum." My father looks at me with concern.

"Come on, Isis." I sigh in defeat.

"I'm only doing this because I need some sleep for me and the baby." Kade grins widely.

"Great, back to bed then princess!"

I chuckled as I turned and headed back to bed. Lying down in bed, it didn't take long for me to fall back asleep. I was so exhausted from the stress of war and I knew Kenna was too. I was grateful for Kade. I love you Kade was my last thought before I fell into a dream filled sleep.

"Princess? Wake up." I hear someone call softly. I smile up at Kade's handsome face. "You hungry baby?" I nod slowly.

He gets up coming back with a breakfast tray filled with delicious smelling food. "Now, before you say I'm an awesome cook. Kenna said if I didn't tell you she made it, she'd kick my a-ss." I chuckle.

"That's a good boy, Kade." Kenna's voice sounds from the hallway.

I laugh loudly at Kade's blushing face. "I love you Kade." He smiles.

"I love you more, Isis."

Hours later, Kade and I sat on the bed talking and enjoying each other's company.

"We have a doctor's appointment today." Kade speaks up.

"Do we?" I giggle at the look of Kade places on his face.

"Yes! We get to find out the sex of the baby." He exclaimed.

I laughed loudly. "Okay! Okay! I'll go shower." I sigh getting up and heading towards out in suit bathroom.

Leaving the door cracked-because Kade is afraid I'll fall in the shower-I waddle into the shower. Stepping out of the steam filled shower, I gazed into the steam covered mirror with love as I stare at my protruding stomach.

"You're so beautiful." I smile as I cradle my stomach.

"She gets it from her mother." Kade says causing me to grin.

I dress in maternity clothes that are super cute, a dark jean, maroon long sleeve, a white and gray scarf with my favorite boot. I blow dry and straighten my hair before putting some cute studs in my ears. I looked like a new mom, glowing. I had gotten big since my last appointment, and my bugger was due soon. We had been keeping sex hidden because I wanted a surprise but somehow Kade had convinced me to let them tell us. Kade jumped into the shower and I went in search for a snack. Cravings would be the death of me, I swear it.

A couple hours later...

"Mrs. Roberts! How are you and baby?" Dr. Roobah asked enthusiastically.

She had delivered me when my mother had me, so she was very much a friend. I wanted her to deliver my baby as well. I smile at the salt and peppered hair lady with smile creases, for 55 she was quite a stunner.

"I'm good and baby is good, we have decided to find out the gender since Kade won't be quiet about it." I grin.

"Are you sure now?" Doc asked.

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