Chapter 20: A Broken Family

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Biker life is nothing short of a life in general. Bikers have shorter life spans but they learn their lessons quick or they die. Adapting is what most people call it.  Bikers show no remorse or even show humanity when it comes to enemies. Bikers are family with or without blood.

The war wasn't over, while The Hell Hounds were practically extinct with only a few members alive, the president had gotten away shortly after Kenna and Kade were shot down. Meaning the Hell Hounds would lay low and rebuild which would provide more casualties along with another war.

The casualties were far more on the Hounds side with over a third of their club suffering at the hands of either cops or a Reaper club member. Many of the Reaper club members were injured, Tank was shot through his leg which hurt like a bitch but for the most part wasn't serious. Gunner is fighting burn wounds from pulling a prospect out of a grenade aftermath.

Ryder walked away with a couple cuts, bruises and a broken grieving heart. Reaper was lost for he lost so much and had gained a little as well, while he lost his son in law, and his niece, he was going to be a grandfather. Diablo was heartbroken.

He didn't know how to cope with the loss of his beloved angel. He had already lost so much after his wife died, if it wasn't for Reaper and Kenna, he would have put his 9mm to his head already. He wasn't sure how he was going to cope.

The days following the war were the lowest of all. Nobody was excited, nobody knew how to act and lastly, the children were confused. Rylen and Rose didn't understand anything.

Ryder had shut off his emotions unless it involved getting the kids something or making them happy. Nobody knew that at night, he would sob until he couldn't anymore. Kenna was the only thing he had ever felt love for. Sure, he loved his club but with Kenna, this love was different.

Everyone seemed to forget that they lost their baby a day before he lost Kenna herself. He had to do everything to not cry in front of his kids, and the only thing that kept Ryder from crying was knowing that at nighttime he could crawl into bed, lay in her spot while breathing in Kenna's unique smell of vanilla and peppermint was still lingering.

Isis sat in the dark hospital room with the sound of two heart monitors echoing around the blank spaces of the walls. She was sore from surgery but she wasn't use to sleeping alone without Kade's smell and arms engulfing her small body.

She had so many plans for her small family and yet in a blink it was gone. Her son was small at 6 pounds 5 ounces; she gave him the name, Grayson Kade Roberts. He is so beautiful, she thought to herself. He looks so much of Kade with his dirty blonde hair, dark eyes and sharp nose. Isis let a smile slip on her face as she watched her son grunt before letting her eyes slip over to her daughter.

Her daughter was even smaller at 5 pounds 2 ounces. Isis decide on the name, Nova Isla Roberts, Nova meant moon in Spanish as Isis thought her daughter was like the moon. Soft and beautiful little Nova, but very bright and kind, Isis was proud that she carried most of her features with her dark hair and blue eyes.

Isis sat and stared at her beautiful babies before she decided she could not do it anymore. She broke down in the hospital bed alone with nothing, or no one, to comfort her as she was left to grief the loss of her lost love and dear sister.

"Your daddy would be so proud. You have his nose and you, my little man look just like him. Mommy loves you so very much." Isis sobbed harder as her babies looked peacefully unaware of what exactly they were missing, it broke her heart. "How am I gonna raise two babies by myself, Kade? I can't do this." Isis sobbed loudly.

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