Chapter 16: It's Begun

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--Isis's POV--

Loud screams of pure utter terror ripped through the air as bullets whizzed by barely missing those who were skilled enough to dodge three or four bullets at a time. I stood in the middle of it all as I watched the bulk of us fall, Gunner was down and so was Tank. That was saying something, we were losing horribly.

I heard a shrill scream as I turned around a toddler stood with tears running down her face as she held tightly to a hand. A man's hand. I followed the man's hand up to his face, confused. I tried to gasp for air but my legs defeated me, they were flat and unresponsive.

My heart felt like it was broke into a tiny little glass pieces and with every single move hurt. It hurt like a tiny stabbing knives being dragged into my body horribly making the pain of his face, the realization that he was gone was asthmatic and truly terrifying. Kade laid on the floor with his gun only a couple feet away from him and a puddle of blood slowly turning into a pond surrounding him.

I hadn't realized my tears were now freely flowing down my face until I heard the unmistakable voice speak a single word that sent my world back into panic.


I looked up at toddler and gave a real long hard look at her, when I noticed she looked just like Kade, with his nose, cheeks and eye. Her beauty was perplexing with two different eye colors and dark black hair like my own. Shock covered my face as the toddler stood up covered in Kade's blood and started to walk towards me slowly gauging my reaction, she was so close.

I wanted to take her into my arms as she was the only real thing of Kade I had left, but before I even had a chance, a gunshot sounded and her eyes went from cautious, to scared, to dimmed light. She looked down at her bloodied stomach before saying one last time


I screamed loud, I screamed for my daughter and for my husband. I screamed because I had lost everything I had ever wanted and needed in life.

"ISIS!!" A voice yelled loudly. "ISIS WAKE UP!!!!"

There it was again. I jolted back to reality screaming bloody murder as I cried hard into whoever had woken me. I was completely disoriented with my surroundings and as I glanced around the room after my trembling and sobs quieted down. I saw that I was in the clubhouse, in my and Kade's room, where we use to sleep. I started to cry again at the loss of my husband and daughter.

"Come on, baby girl. I can't possibly know how to help you if you don't tell me what happened" That voice, it couldn't be.

I pulled away and looked at his very alive face. His long lashes and hazel eyes sat staring at me with concern as his strong hands held me not letting me go. Shock covered my face, I'm sure and by the confused look that covered his face he didn't understand what had happened.

"This is the part where you tell me why you woke up the whole clubhouse with a blood curdling scream baby doll." He speaks again and in that moment, I realized just how infatuated I am with him.

I love him so incredibly much. I'd be truly lost without him; I wanted to be lost in him.

"I had a dream where we were at war, and we were losing horribly. I heard a scream and saw a child, holding a hand. When I came closer to inspect, i-it was y-your hand. You were covered in blood Kade, dying in front of this little girl. She looked up Kade and she was so beautiful." I looked into his softening eyes and whispered the words I knew would do him in. "She called me momma, Kade. She was ours." I spoke with tears streaming profusely down my face. "She stood up to come to me a-a-an-d s-she g-g-got s-sh-shot." I tried to be strong as I told the story of my dream but as I watched Kade's eyes harden at the possibility of our baby girl being shot.

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