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I sat in the back of car whilst my dad drove and looked outside of the car window. The only words we have exchanged are "are you ready" and "yes." I did not even get a happy birthday. My dad had the suitcase besides me. The car was slowing down and we outside of this cathedral.

"You listen to him. He's like me, you know? Maybe even worse. Who knows what he would do to you if you disobeyed Romeo Mariano." I nodded my head but his words left me a trail of thoughts. A husband cannot hit or hurt his wife. My dad got out and I followed along.

"Do you want me to bring the suitcase?" I asked him.

"No." I swallowed before we entered the church and it was extremely empty. My dad had clung onto my arm. I saw at the end of aisle was a pope and I saw Romeo who looked at me and he was breathtaking.

Literally breathtaking. I stumbled but my father's grip on me stopped me from falling. He was tall, extremely tall, taller than my dad. His hair was black and slicked back nicely. His eyes were gorgeous, they were piercing into my eyes. He wore this suit that was accentuating his body. Wow I couldn't believe I was getting married to such a man.

As we got closer I got more nervous. I wonder what he thought of me. Did he find my pretty? I started to feel not good enough for him. He deserves someone more gorgeous than me, My dad let go of me as I went up the stairs struggling with the fabric at the end. Romeo and the pope just watched. The pope started the ceremony, whilst I looked at Romeo's shoes. I could feel his gaze pierced right through me and I was scared to look up.

"Romeo, do you take Anastasia to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage?  Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?" The pope asked as we both were holding the rings. I gave him my hand.

"I do." He said as he pierced his finger nails into my skin whilst slipping the ring onto my finger I looked up at him in horror at his neutral yet sinister expression.

"Anastasia, do you take Romeo to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage?  Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?" I looked up at Romeo, he scared me.

"I do." I said after pausing.

"You may now kiss the bride." The pope said. I watched Romeo as he bent himself down to my level and kissed my cheek. Romeo started to go down the small flight of stairs and I followed. By now my dad had came in with the suitcase and had a chat with Romeo whilst I sat on the benches and looked at the cathedral. I have always adored cathedrals, I think nothing could ever go wrong in them. I always felt safe in them.  My father announced to me that he's going to be leaving and hugged me goodbye. He has never done that to me in my life, but maybe he did so

"Oi follow me." Romeo said as I got up and dragged my suitcase. It was extremely heavy. We were at the reception as Romeo had asked the receptionist for the married papers.

"Wow you guys are so a very good looking couple." The receptionist claimed as she clicked a few buttons on her computer.

"Do you want to take a picture? I couldn't help but notice there was no photographer there and we have this very professional camera. It's important to capture these moments." She expressed whilst directing the question at me. I look up at Romeo who had this blank facial expression.

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