A/N + random dialogues (pt. 2)

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So, The first thing I wanted to do with this A/N is explain why I haven't posted anything for this story in three months, besides apologizing.
The thing is, I've been kinda busy with studies during summer, having to study for three exams I had at the beginning of this week. The second reason is, well, I was at a small art block for this story. I posted for the others, but I couldn't seem to think of anything good for this one until recently

The good thing is, I am posting a new chapter today (I swear I am), although it will probably will come out in a bit, since I'm still working on it

The second thing I wanted to say is, well, thank you so fucking much (sorry for cursing) for the 70k+ reads. I really never expected that one of my books could be this popular, since, first of all, this is my first book, second of all, english is not my native language and I never considered myself a good writer, but, damn, seeing that people enjoy what I write really makes me proud and happy. I was also thinking on doing something special for when I post the last A/N (after the last chapter), so, if you have any suggestions, tell me!

The last thing I want to do is leave some random dialogues I thought about this last months, so, I thought I would share them! They are parts of the story I thought I could post, but, since I didn't really liked the rest, I ended up erasing (but I saved those small fractions I did like!)
These are the three I liked the most (I wrote the first one when I was drunk on air. And I got the idea of the second one from your comments. The third one is just some good ol' fluff)

Dialogue 1 (Joke):

It's the day of the hero license exam. You and your whole class are waiting outside the building, minding your own thing, when a funny looking woman approaches you, being followed by a group of kids dressed in grey polo shirts. If you are correct, that lady is the pro hero Joke

Joke: hey, Eraser!

Shota: please no...

Joke: let's get married!

Her comment ticks something inside you, and you angrily walk towards her, getting between her and your father

You: excuse me, miss, but as you can-

Joke: yeah yeah kid, you can tell me later. So, what do you say?!

Now you were really going to put on a show. You grab her collar, pulling her down to meet with you mad eyes

You: listen here you big shit. No one flirts with one of my parents and gets away with it, got it? Because yes, that fucking amazing man behind me is one of my fathers. He is married to my other father, and they love each other. So, I suggest you back the fuck off before I yeet you into the fucking sun and explode your brain. Got it, you motherfucker?

You growl, smiling angrily at them. Shota steps up, forcing you to let go of her. At first, you look at him confused, before you see his fatherly stare piercing you. Although it doesn't last much, since he looks up to glare at Joke

Shota: I've tried to tell you several times that I'm not interested in you, nor in woman in general. Also, let me warn you. My kid bites. And she bites hard

And with that, Joke grumbles, walking away. Bakugou is trying to contain his proud smirk, and Hanta is just thinking about how adorable you look when you are mad, although he is kind of thinking out loud, which leads Denki to think he is low-key a masochist

Dialogue 2 (wrestling):

You are chilling in the common room with Eri, who's now your younger sister. She is sitting on the couch by your side, in the exact same pose as you, trying to mimic your expression, glancing every few seconds at you to see if you have changed it. It's adorable how it's been barely a few weeks and she already sees you as an older sister. Plus, she loves you a lot

Eri: Y/N, yesterday, what were Kiri and Kacchan doing?

You: what do you mean...?

Eri: well! I was with Deku and we passed Kiri's room and we heard him calling Kacchan's name and there were weird sound coming from there

You had to think of something quick that wouldn't traumatize her, but that she would believe. So, you went with the typical excuse

You: they were wrestling!

Eri: can I wrestle with them next time?!

You: no! I-if you do it... There will be a big dragon that will eat you

Eri: you will eat me? With kisses?!

You: yes! But only if you don't wrestle!

Eri: yay!

She cheers, before throwing herself on top of you and planting kisses all over your face. You laugh, tickling her tummy and giving her even more kisses, until you both fall to the couch, her being tired. She cuddles up to you, burying her small face in your chest, and drifting off to sleep. You don't know what you've done to be blessed with such a cute little sister, but, you aren't complaining

Hanta: not fair... I want to burry my face in your chest too!

Yeah, you aren't complaining either about your sometimes perverted boyfriend

Dialogue 3 (soft):

You sit with Hanta under a tree, near a lake, both of you relaxing with the spring-like breeze. His smile doesn't seem to fade as he holds your hand, proud of being able to call you his. You lean your head on his shoulder, enjoying the contrast of the fresh weather and the warmth of your boyfriend's embrace. He pulls you closer by the waist, laying his head on top of yours. A lot of people would think when they saw him that he would probably be some kind of idiot that didn't know how to stop, or, just a jerk with no limits, but he was a sweetheart, and that was scientifically proven by you. He was someone that tried his best for others, someone that cared, someone that knew what to say and when to say it, despite sometimes making unwanted comments, but most of them were usually jokes. He did have his moments where he liked to prank you, or just teased you, but, there were no malicious intentions. He knew when he was going too far. To cut things short, Hanta was the person you loved, and you hoped he stayed with you through your life

By the way, I previously that my family adopted a cat, so, I wanted y'all to see her! If you've read my other books, you might have already seen her, but, just in case, I'm posting here a small pic of my cutie

By the way, I previously that my family adopted a cat, so, I wanted y'all to see her! If you've read my other books, you might have already seen her, but, just in case, I'm posting here a small pic of my cutie

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I took it when she was sleeping and I just couldn't resist. She looks too cute ;-;
In my family we say she is a small tiger. She is as big as an adult cat and she is barely four months

Her name is Miku! My mother chose it, but I like to think that it's a tribute to my all time childhood crush, Hatsune Miku

With all said, I will see you all in the next chapter!

Mixtape //Hanta Sero x readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant