Random A/N (+ extra dialogue)

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Sorry if this is not a chapter, I just had some things I wanted to say, sooo...

First! This may be cause of my drunk-like self when it's nighttime, so here I go.
I have to say that my sense of humor it's really stupid and I laugh at everything, so...

Well, I was reading the story again in search of mistakes, and I got to the chapter where I did the "didn't you mean daddy?" Thing, and then I remembered the chapter when Y/N became a little kid. Then, I thought of a scene with Y/N being a child. (This will have a different narrating style)

Little Y/N is sucking her thumb on the couch, sitting on Mina's lap as she plays with her hair, and Sero on the kitchen making some snacks

Little Y/N: "Where is Daddy?"

Denki gets up from the couch, getting into the kitchen and grabbing Sero, dragging him to the couch

Denki: "Here's daddy!"

Sero slaps the back of his head, a blush creeping on his cheeks as he walks back to the kitchen.
Little Y/N is looking at Denki confused, as he is rolling around the floor, dieing from laughter. Mina and Kirishima just wheezed, and Bakugou facepalmed, feeling ashamed of his friend's stupidity. The spiky blonde boy gets up from his seat, walking up to Mina and taking Y/N on his arms

Bakugou: "I'm taking care of the kid now. I'm the only fucking normal person on this room"

So yeah, that was my 'great' idea. When I thought of it I couldnt stop myself from laughing, but, as I said, my sense of humor is really stupid (how many times have I said stupid?)

Second! This is more related to the story, because it's about the next chapter (AKA erasermic's wedding). I already have an idea for the dress and the scenario, some things that I want to put on the chapter, and I wanted to ask... Do you guys have any song in mind that our dear Shota could sing on the wedding? And any ideas for that chapter, or any new chapter that might come in the future (including the special oneshots).

Third! Now I want to apologize. I know I said that I was going to do a special image for the Valentine's oneshot, but I had a bit of trouble with the program I usually used to draw, meaning that I couldn't use my computer to draw it. And my phone's screen it's really broken (I'm a really clumsy person) and I couldn't use IbisPaint, which is the app I usually use for doing the covers of the books and the designs of the suits.
The good news are that I found a new program for my computer, which isn't great but it works good for me, so that's enough. I'm already working on the drawings for the specials, and I will try post them soon! I will also make upgrades and changes to the suits, giving a better view and idea of how it is, as I decided to overcome my dear of drawing arms!
(I'm really bad at drawing them...)

Sorry if this author's note was random and somehow confusing, but that's how I am!


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