Welcome to UA, young Y/N! (Ch. 2)

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"DAAAAAD!" you shouted from the living room "DAD THIS IS SERIOUS" you then heard rushed steps coming towards the room.

"ARE YOU OK?!" he shouted, opening the door with a loud 'BAM!'. He then saw you expression and relaxed a little bit. You were smiling brightly, holding the now opened UA letter, and there was a little hologram of All Might on the table.

"I GOT IN! DAD I GOT IN!" You screamed, almost crying. You rushed to him an hugged him "I did it... I'm in class 1-A!"

He patted your head while hugging you back "I'm really proud of you, my little dragon... I'm sure Naguisa and Takao are proud too..." Nostalgia filled both of you, he didn't call you like that since you were little, he though you wouldn't like to be called like that, as you were going up. You still remembered...


"How's my little princess doing?" Hizashi asked your 3 years old self, while your tiny persona smashed the tiles of a small piano.

"Papa no! I am not a princess! I am a dragon!" She shouted, glaring at him "princesses are weak and girly! And I'm not girly like Mina! Dragons are strong and cool and they don't get captured! And they have pointy teeth, like Kiri!" Kiri had been your best friend since you were practically born, so was Mina, they always were there for you; even if you three were still very young kids, But you weee there for them too. There wasn't a day you didn't play with them, and it continued like that for years, you even promised to go to UA together.


You decided to text Mina and Eijirō, to tell them to meet you in your hiding spot, a small tree house you built when you where 10, with the help of your parents, of course. It was in a forest near Mina's house, well, it was more like a park with lots of trees.

"Dad, I'm going out!" You shouted, putting on your shoes with slight clumsiness "I'm going to the tree house, with Ei and Mina, so don't worry 'bout me!"

"Still, be careful, I can't loose my number one listener!" He said, before he kissed your forehead, letting you go right after.

You surprisingly were the first one to get there, but Mina came in shortly after you, panting "I was calling out for you to wait for me! I was just behind you!" She rambled, playfully punching you several times. It still hurt a bit, but it wasn't anything you couldn't handle.

"Mina! Stop!" You laughed, as she started tickling you "Ei, help!" You shouted to the black haired boy, who just entered, holding a plastic bag with an unknown content.

"what's in there?" Mina and you asked in unison, while she, thankfully, stopped the tickle attack.

"Well, you see... I want to dye my hair red... Can you help me?" He asked "I got accepted into UA, so I want to look stronger!" He exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with a determination you had never seen him show.

"I got in too!" Mina shouted, cheerfully.

"Hero course, there we go!" You shouted as well, taking the bag from Eijirō "now, sit down, this might get messy" you smirked, earning an audible gulp from the ravenette.

Hours later, with red dye splattered all over your clothes and hands, you were finally done with his hair. To add a finishing touch, you had spiked it up, so he would look more like his idol.

"We are horn buddies!" Mina exclaimed, clapping her hands together, before handing you a small box she took out of one of the drawers "and this is for you!"

"HEADPHONES!" you shouted, admiring the black headphones with horns made of rubber.

"Now we are all horn buddies!" Eijirō exclaimed, excited- just like Mina and you.

Weeks later, you where walking down the street, heading to UA for your first day, when you tripped. You where going to fall, when tape was wrapped around your waist "am I having a deja vu?" Someone laughed behind you, and you knew exactly who it was, even if you had heard that laugh just once.

"Hey there Sero!" You laughed, while he freed you, retracting the tape "oh, you got into UA too! Which class are you in?" You cheerfully said while you walked to his side.

"1-A! And you?" You smiled at his answer.

"Well... Sadly..."you paused, now smirking  "I'm in class 1-A too! You are going to have to deal with me for three years now"

Both of you continued walking towards UA together, chatting, you telling some of your dumb jokes, him mocking you for being shorter than him. You finally arrived to your class when you felt a pair of arms squish your soul (or what was left of it) out of your body "Mina! I can't breathe!" You gasped, trying to push her away.

"Aaaaw, don't be like that! Now, tell me, who is your new friend?" She squealed .

"The name is Hanta Sero! Nice you meet you" he said. Mina still not letting you breathe.

"Mina I swear if you don't let me go, I will destroy your fucking eardrums!" You shouted. You loved your best friend, but she was killing you with her deadly hug.

"Fiiiiiine" she finally freed you, and you fell to the floor, gasping for air, saying every curse word you knew. You went to your desk and started listening some songs you wanted to memorize, as more students came into the room, including the brunette from the entrance exam and the green haired boy. She dragged him and the blue haired boy where you were.

"Hey! Remember me? From the entrance exam! I'm Ochako Uraraka! These are Izuku Midoriya and Tenya Iida!" She squealed as you took off your headphones.

"Y/N Yamada, nice to meet you!" You cheered, and Midoriya looked at you with an amused face.

"Yamada?! Like, Hizashi Yamada?! Present Mic?!" He squealed. You assumed he was a hero fanboy.

"Yeah, he is my father... I-is it weird? I know he is very... Excentric"

"Now I know why you where the only one that answered him on the entrance exam!" Sero said behind you, chuckling. You glared daggers at him, when your favourite cartepilar entered the room.

"Oh God..." You facepalmed at the sight of Shota, still in his oh so adored yellow sleeping bag.

"If you came here to make friends, you better go someone else." Shota said, coming out of his sleeping bag "I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Now, let's get to the point. Put your uniforms on and go to the field"


And this is the end of the chapter! I changed a bit the way I wrote. Hope you don't mind!
And, as always, hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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