Pair of idiots (Ch. 8)

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"why don't we start a band?" You asked her cheerfully, as your eyes glistened so much, that Jirō could almost see stars coming out of your eyes.

"It's a good idea, but, who would like to be on it?" She asked "and what would they play?"

"We could ask!" You said, taking out your phone and logging into the class chat.

~you logged in~

You: Guys! Jirō and I were thinking on creating a band! Does anyone want to join?

Kirishark: I would, but I don't know how to play an instrument. It sounds fun tho, so good luck!

You: we can teach you!

Kirishark: nvm I'm in!

Pikaboi: I'm scared of Jirō

You: awwww... Please? ٩(๑'^'๑)۶

Pikaboi: it's your fault if she kills me

You: she won't. I made her swear it

Yaomomo: it sounds interesting, count me in!('・ω・')

You: Yay!٩(๑òωó๑)۶

Seeeeero! Join us!

Hooman tape: I don't know how to play any instruments and i don't think I can learn

You: I know something you can do

Tape-boi: this is blackmail.

You: are you in? (๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)✧

Tape-boi: fine, you owe me

You: Uraraka!

Mochi baby: sorry! I can't join (・ัω・ั)

You: Mina?

Alien Queen: you know how bad I am with this things (¯-¯٥)

~You logged out~

"Who do we have?" Jirō asked

"We have Kiri, Denki, Momo and Sero!" You said excited, while creating a chat group for the six band members

"I expected Denki and Momo, but Kirishima and Sero?!"

"Yeah! I will teach Kiri to play the drums and Sero can sing!"

"Wait, Sero can sing? Sero?!"

"Yeah" you smiled "Mina and I overheard him when we were in cleaning duty with him"

"Then teach him to play the guitar, or the bass"


"Because you are going to sing too, and we can't have Sero only singing"

"Wait, who said I was going to sing?!"

"I did" she smiled "do we tell them to come here? Or we go to your house?"

"We tell them to come here. My room is a mess" you scratched the back of your neck "but next time, we go to my house. It's closer to the school" you typed where should they go in the chat group, and they said they would be coming soon.

"I already told my parents about the band thing. They said it's ok, but they ask that we don't do much noise for today, and they want to see you play before you go"

You hummed "fine by-" a limo appeared in front of the house "me..." Your jaw dropped to the floor in amusement, as Yaoyorozu was the one coming out of it and the limo went away.

"I'm here!" Yaoyorozu shouted, cheerful as usual.

"Hey Momo!" Jirō said while hugging her, seemingly a bit too tight.

"I just saw a freaking limousine!!" Denki shouted, and the three guys appeared. Mina was with them "ah, I guess it's Momo thing"

"Hey guys" you said, approaching them.

"Heeeey!!!"Mina hugged you "sorry, I wanted to see you and Jirō play together"

"It's ok, Mina" Jirou said "now, Sero... How come I never heard you could sing?"

"Wait what?!" Momo, Denki and Kiri exclaimed. You looked at Sero, who was covering his face with his arms, while Mina snickered.

"And he is pretty good at it!" You exclaimed with a sly grin, placing a hand on your waist and the other under your chin.

"I hate you, Y/N" he mumbled.

"I appreciate you too!" You moved the hand that was under your chin to his shoulder "now let's get going!" (You have already been to Jirō's house, so you know her parents)

Jirō and you pushed everyone inside her room, and she explained the band plan "so, Momo, I was thinking, as you already know how to play the piano, I could teach you to play the synthesizer. Kirishima, Y/N And I can teach you to play the drums, Sero, Y/N will teach you to play the guitar and improve your vocal chords, Denki, you can go on your on with the bass, I guess you already know how to play it, if you need to know something, ask me or Y/N. She will play the guitar and I will play the bass. Any questions?" She said.

"Am I the only one singing?" Sero asked

"Y/N Will be with you" Jirou said. Mina and Denki started whistling. You coughed and glared at them.

"Let's start, shall we?" You said in an angry voice.

You separated into two groups. Denki and Momo were with Jirō, and you were with Eijiro and Sero. Mina was just going around, watching all of you do your things, sometimes sneaking pics or cheering.
Kirishima caught up pretty easily with the drums, so you left him a bit on his own and concentrated in Sero, who was struggling right the guitar "this is impossible!"

"Do you need help?" You said with a chuckle.
After a few more seconds of seeing him struggling, trying to hold it correctly and get at least one note correct, you decided to help him. You got behind him and placed both your hands over his, making him jump slightly.
You grabbed and moved his hands over the strings of the guitar, helping him play the melody, not perfectly, but better than he was doing it before. It was also much slower than the normal melody, but you wanted him to first know how to do it. You would practice on the speed after. "Like this, ok? If you struggle to learn it at the normal speed, first try and learn it slowly, then go a bit faster each time!" Your head peeked from his side, to see what you were doing. You would peek over his shoulder, but you were much shorter than him, so it was hard for you to peek over his shoulder. Not even on your tippy toes you could clearly see over his shoulder.

"O-okay..."he was nervous for some reason, his voice made it clear.
You tried to look at him, but he looked away immediately.

"Are you alright?" You asked, a bit concerned.

"Y-yeah... Just, you are really close..." He said.

"Oh! Sorry!!" You removed your hands from his and stepped away. You heard Mina groaning.

"Come on!!! Good way of ruining the mood, Sero..." She said, sounding really annoyed "you looked perfect... But then 'you are really close' " Mina tried to copy his voice on that last sentence .

"Mina!!!" Both of you screamed, your face covered with a huge blush.

"Are they really this dumb...?" Jirō wispered.


"Let's just hope they realize..." Momo added.

"Realize what?" You asked.

Momo sighed, before speaking again "nothing, sweetheart" as she placed a hand on your shoulder "you will know what I mean, hopefully soon" you frowned.

"Why can't you just tell me?"

"It's better if you discover it yourself" she smiled


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