Please wake up... (Ch. 4)

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I can't help but, whenever I read the first chapter of the story, edited or not, I can't help but cringe for some reason.
But I like it, I mean, kinda helps me realize that you can grow and change a lot in a year.

My vocabulary when I started this was so l i m i t e d  I can't even.
I really wish I could change a lot of things, but I will just try throughout the whole story to erase and apologize for anything offensive or hurtful I might have written without even knowing it, and make this look less like a book made by a ten y/o (I wasn't ten when I wrote this)

You wished this wasn't happening, that it was some sort of sick weird dream, but no. Minutes earlier, a group of villains had infiltrated UA, and had managed to separate the group.

Luckily though, you were in the same zone as Denki, Jirō and Yaoyorozu, just, you were on the spot that was under the bridge, between the mountains. You were angry. They were trying to kill All Might by hurting you and your classmates, not to mention your sleepy father was fighting probably alone.

'Fuck it' you thought, turning your speakers to max volume. Your eyes were wide opened and you had a creepy smile on your face, similar to what you had seen Hizashi do a few times when he got mad.

You planned a very dangerous attack for you, as you were planning on making an avalanche. For that, a heavy metal melody began to sound, making the walls tremble, and the villains cover their ears because of the unbearably loud sounds. Rocks started falling, and you ran towards one of the walls, hiding yourself while the villains got buried under the huge rocks and dust and debris flew up from the ground.

Finally, the melody stopped and you climbed as fast as you physically could, only to see Denki being held hostage after a clear overuse of his quirk.

"Other's life or your own?"

Oh no, you weren't going to let ANYONE threaten your friends. Yaoyorozu and Jirō saw you, and nodded. You nodded back, and mouthed 'sorry'. You were going to shout as loud as you could. You turned on your speakers, and they covered their ears. Then, you shouted the most horrific and loud growl you could, making the villain drop Denki to cover his ears in pain. "Let's go with the others!" You said, carrying bridal style the still (partially) spaced out Denki, while you ran towards the center.

"Y/N, your arm!" Yaoyorozu said. Your arm was bleeding, as a result of one of the rocks from de avalanche hitting it, making a deep wound.

"I will take care of it later, first we have to go with the others!" You said, still running to safety. The three of you ran towards where everyone was, and luckily, the pro heroes arrived. You saw Tsuyu carrying Shota, who was knocked out, making you drop poor Denki on the floor as you ran towards them "what happened?!"

"A weird creature knocked him out, kero" Tsuyu said, clearly upset with the situation.

"No... Please wake up..." You said almost in tears. Not only because of what happened to Aizawa, but because your arm started to hurt like hell, and your head was spinning. Your wound had opened while you were carrying Denki, and your arm was now covered in blood.

Because of everything that was happening, your knees became weak, to the point you couldn't stand anymore and collapsed, finally passing out.

You woke up hours later, in Recovery Girl's office. You looked to your right, to see your arm covered in bandages, and then looked to your left, and saw a head covered in black hair resting besides your left arm "Sero..?" He jolted as he felt your hand on his head, almost falling of his chair "sorry..."

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