"Not for me. This apprentice was out in the sun too long," explained Heavy Metal, motioning to the kid in Cole's arms.

    Zahara checked the Wu over, chiding him, "Baby, you're not supposed to be wandering around at this hour. You're lucky you aren't sunburned."

    "Can I have some water?" begged Wu. At this point, he had a massive headache.

    The healer sighed, conflicted as she murmured to the "older Dangerbuff" and Heavy Metal, "Iron Baron's gonna notice if water is missing."

    Wow, Cole didn't think his dislike for the tyrant could grow anymore, yet here he was.

    "Just use my rations," waved Heavy Metal.

    "You sure, sweetie?" checked Zahara, raising a surprised eyebrow. The Hunters weren't exactly known for their charitable demeanors.

    The Hunter nodded, so Zahara sauntered out to go retrieve the water to help the apprentice. As soon as she was gone and before Cole could even ask why, Heavy Metal hushed him.

    "I am doing this because I need you all to leave and not tell the Hunters about what you saw last night."

    "I still don't know what exactly's going on," admitted Cole. Heavy Metal relaxed slightly at this, but Cole continued, "All I know is that you guys and the dragons need help."

    The Hunter rolled his eyes. These people were too tenderhearted and selfless. "We're fine. We don't need you messing up the delicate balance we've worked hard to create."

    "If we're causing you trouble, then why haven't you turned us in yet?" challenged the Earth Ninja.    

    Heavy Metal shrugged. "I guess you're finally something interesting that's happened outside of the normal routine." He added with an almost bitter chuckle, "And that's coming from someone who fights dragons almost every day just to survive."

    Cole spoke with an almost teasing grin, his words confirming Heavy Metal's worries, "Y'know, you're a whole lot nicer than you let on."

    "Don't mistake it for weakness. I can end you anytime I choose," growled Heavy Metal warningly as he placed his hand on the Dragonbone Blade.

    "Okay, okay." The Master of Earth held up his hands placatingly. After a brief moment of silence, he inquired, "How's your shoulder?"

    The Hunter jerked, taken aback by the genuine concern in his voice. "It's... fine." He shrugged, showing the complete movement of the joint. "I told you, this isn't new. If you want to survive, you learn fast how to take any sort of wound."

    Cole didn't have a chance to carry on the conversation as Wu whined, "When's the water coming?"

    "Zahara's probably having to haggle with Arkade," explained Heavy Metal. He commented on the apprentice's panting, "Try to control your breaths, kid."

    Wu laughed lightly, trying to do as instructed. "I'm older than you."

    Cole's eyes widened. That would take some explaining to do. 

    "Yeesh. Zahara better hurry up. He's speaking nonsense now," muttered the Hunter. He turned and noticed the look on the "Dangerbuff's" face. "What?"

    "I am!" argued Wu. "Even though I look like a child right now, I'm way older than both of you combined."

    "Really? And how's that?" questioned Heavy Metal, clearly not believing a word the young boy said. 

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