11 | Gentle Headspin

Start from the beginning

"He saw how I lived, and he gave us money. For my bravery and service!" I gasped happily as Sam clapped his shoulder. "And get this, he even got us a house close to his, and offered me a spot in his troop," He smiled proudly, darting his eyes toward me. "Your dad changed my life man, I actually woke up feeling nice for once. I get to move out tomorrow," he smiled softly and hugged me from his spot on our connected desks. "Thank you so much," He smiled gratefully.

"No problem," I smiled back at him, even though in my eyes I did nothing.

"Tell us about the time you were adopted," Sam offered. "Class hasn't fully started yet,"

"Fine," I chuckle as they egg me on to hear my story. The light chatter in class as students wrote their bell ringer put me at ease. "So, this may come as a shock, but do you guys know Richard?" I used his full name for their sake, I didn't want them going and calling him the wrong thing.

"That new student from the North Side?" Tony scratched the back of his neck. I snapped and nodded. "Oh! That guy. He scares me, he's always scowling," Sam shuddered.

"Oh, he's a softie," I roll my eyes.

"Anyways, he was my only friend at the adoption home, and he'd always take care of me and help me defend myself. Of course, I never put my skills to use because I feel bad even when I swat a fly out of my face," They nodded in understanding, "So when I was being taken in for send-off, I didn't even realize he was king because he dressed so casually. The receptionist and I thought he was just a rich Koopa looking to adopt a son,"

"After about I'd say a good few days I'd figured out he was king. The hard way," I grimaced. I'd been through a lot and had to do a lot of the piecing myself. "I woke up from a coma after being hit by a car last week,"

"You were hit by a car?" Tony asked, cupping a hand over his mouth. "It was my cousin who hit him. He was lucky he wasn't sentenced by the king," Sam doodled in his notebook mindlessly.

"Damn man," Tony groaned. "After I woke up, I realized I missed my birthday in a coma, and that's what triggered the crazy events that have been happening to me. Except for the raid. Those were money-hungry illegal immigrants," I huffed.

"People from out of the country aren't allowed here unless they get through a series of tests. It's a process. Sir Mario does it to ensure the purity of the two islands. And there was a sense of purity that you'd find nowhere else. The babies never cried unless they were in actual pain, the elderly looked extremely young and blended in with the young, even the humans. The humans born here were truly different.

"It's so funny when people refer to my family as royalty," I snorted. "Sir Mario" was just my uncle and "King Bowser" was just my dad. And now all of a sudden the school knows I'm a prince. It's so weird. As my friends bowed their heads to work, I anxiously texted my dad while he worked at the office. I was already far ahead. I clicked on his contact and began texting, hoping this will prevent an anxious episode coming on.



Yes, son?

I'm a bit anxious, I think I forgot my meds this morning :(

Want me to bail you? I can but its a bit boring at the office.

No, it's ok. I just need to calm down, I think I might be having a light episode.

Get your teacher and tell her you and Iggy or Larry
step out. Go to the bathroom and call me son, got it?

Yes sir. I'll do it now dad.

Get whichever one of them is finished most of their work, ok son?

Thank you, dad.

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