8 | The Birthday of A Prince

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I shot everyone a jubilant look as they popped up around the room. Luigi, Diddy, and Peach were here too! But where was Dad, Mario, Pete, Adam, DK, and K. Rool? I thought they'd be here?

I shook those thoughts. Maybe I'll see them at home. I wasn't gonna push my luck.

"Oh my god, you guys! This is amazing!" I wiped a tear from my eye. I hugged the nearest person to me, which happened to be Ludwig. He stiffened up, but then hugged back.

"Happy 17 buddy. Thought we forgot?" His joyous, vibrato tone danced in my ear. I grinned, miles wide.

I hurriedly squeezed everyone in the room, including King Boo, who was a bit behindhand.

"You thought us screaming happy birthday was all the birthday consisted of?" Iggy asked as I sat on the couch, processing everything.

"I'm not exactly used to it," I smirked. "What happens now?" I grilled, raising a brow.

He ran a hand through his shaggy viridian colored locks. The emerald sheen coiffure bounced about atop his head.

"There's always presents!" Lemmy butted in.

"And food," Larry, Roy, and Morton simultaneously uttered, fresh saliva pecking their lips, and caressing their snouts.

"Fatasses, " Wendy rolled her eyes, posing for selfies on a pink bean bag in the corner. "Love you too Wen!" Morton bellowed sarcastically in her direction.

"But they're right! There is food! Mario prepared something for us, " Luigi beamed, gesturing all of us to follow him into an open threshold which lead to a gorgeous kitchen that could bring any architect to salivation.

Two trays of some sort of pasta were sitting on the island, and looking behind me, there was an entire table full of wrapped boxes. What were those for?

"Hey, Morton?" I nudged the pudgy koopa's side to grab his attention as we were getting plates.

"Yeah?" He responded, scooping a bit of food onto his plate. Did I say a bit? I misspelled a lot. My plate wasn't even half as full as his.

"What are those boxes for?" I quiz, eyeing the mysterious parcels. I scratched my chin in wonder. He raised a brow. "Those are presents, man. Ever had on-" he shook his head, trying to correct himself. "Save it, " I cut him off before he said anything else.

"After we eat, you can open your gifts! Mario took an hour of preparing this, " Luigi informed, gesturing to the delicious smelling pasta that appeared to be seafood. We all situated ourselves down at the table and began to indulge in the savory meal. I was still getting used to meals of this caliber.

Not even two minutes later-

"That was good!" Morton and Roy announce simultaneously, earning an eye roll from the youngest one in the room. We all snickered as the food everyone else ate sat nearly untouched on my plate. I wanted to force myself to take a few bites, but I think I might throw it up later. I didn't want to throw this delectable meal up, but I didn't want to gain too much weight. The lush, cushiony couch that we dined at was circular and had a table in front of it.

"So, taste it!" Peach beckoned happily, waiting for my reaction. As Roy and Morton scurry for seconds, nearly cleaning the second tray, I dip the small spoon into the Italian pasta. I bring it to my lips and nibble a small bite. My eyes light up as I go for a bigger one. Peach smiled, loving how I was enjoying the food. I gave her the thumbs up as I ate, earning a smile from her. Hot DAMN, This was good!

"How are you even eating?" I question boo as I put away my plate. He snickers and holds out his tongue, which was somewhat transparent, nonetheless still coated in food.

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