10 | Happier Times

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A full day of shopping awaited us as we parked downtown. Though, a few hours into spending stupid amounts of money, the others took an escort home, leaving just me, Junior and dad who wanted to stay out some more.

We headed into a large department store. The pre-WWII building historic, and laced with charm. Inside though, the modern stores glitzed in glamour. The place sprung with life, laughter and excited conversations coming from every corner.

It wasn't until a few hours later when tragedy would strike, a price sometimes paid for being of a higher status. We noticed a caution sign placed in front of the exit door to the sub-level where all the arcades were. We had just played games for hours, and were ready to head home.

Suddenly, a man in uniform came to stand atop the stairs, stopping us in our tracks. Bowser was the first to speak out. "Everything okay up there? We need to get through," he attempted to call to the man, but instead, he got a canister of liquid and dropped it. The contents began to seep down the grand stair-set toward us.

"Didn't spend months sneaking on this island to just let you go now did we?" He responded, two others coming into view from the rest of the store. They stood over the sub-level, match in hand. My heart sank, plummeting down to my feet.

"Boys, get back downstairs, now. I'll handle this," he whispered to us. I was reluctant, but the situation was serious. I took junior's hand and we let go of our shopping bags, the items clattering out and following us as we scurried down the long set of stairs. From behind me, the man's final words made my blood run cold.

"We're going for that safe. We know where the castle is. Better hope the royal family isn't home," the man said before letting the lit match fall to the ground. As we rounded a corner into a hallway, we heard the entire staircase go up in flames. Even though I wanted to get dad, I had to get junior safe first. After all, this was the same family that could swim in lava.

I found a bathroom far from the fire, trying my best to lead him through dozens of panicked people, their only true exit blocked by flames and smoke. From all around heard windows shattering and people screaming as the flames licked the halls.

"Stay in here until I come get you okay, don't move at all, and if the smoke irritates your nose, cover up with your shirt alright?" I said. He huddled in the corner, nodding. I brought the child into my arms, and with one final look back, ran back into the chaos to find a sure-fire way out. I could move more quickly on my own.

In a store, I found windows that lead to another interior area. I took an small empty clothes rack and hurled it at the large window as best I could, admittedly, only through adrenaline, the force shattered the window.

I found myself in an empty store that had been shut down and walled off from the rest of the building. Connected to it was a hallway with a maintenance door, which had also been locked. By now, a lot of the sub floor and floor above were coated in flames, and had claimed a small number of lives from those who could not escape.

I cried in glee, running down the hall as fast as I could. "We're free," I mustered in relief as the double doors with glass surrounding it grew closer. Upon reaching it I slammed myself into the door, only to be thrown back by the door not opening. I began to panic. How was I gonna get us out of here if the stupid door won't open. I got up and tried again, pushing mercilessly at the large bars stretched across the door to no avail. They were locked. The bars didn't even push in all the way.

"Fuck fuck fuck," I whispered in disbelief. I looked for anything I could use to break the glass. The windows on the side were floor to door, and were tall enough for even my dad to get out. I threw my breath at it, the flames getting the glass to burst. Yes! A way out, now I had to go back for my dad and little brother.

Future | KoopalingsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora