Elder Tomes VII

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Summary: Ink further introduces Dream to the world of technology.

Light from the TV filled the dimly lit living room

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Light from the TV filled the dimly lit living room. Its rectangular screen displayed a bipedal feline with disproportionate features- tiny hands, too large eyes, stubby legs, awkwardly sized head, etc. The creature shifted between jumping, punching, and shouting at the surrounding villagers, who seemed to take offense from the action. Every so often, different menus displaying various things (items, spells, and skills) would pop up, promptly disappearing afterward.

Ink grinned, staring at the TV while mashing random buttons. He may or may not have forgotten which buttons made his character move, and which one brought up the menu to show him what each button did. His scarf was of no use either. Any notes regarding the video game were nonexistent since the artist never wrote any. Thus, causing a bout of messing around until he managed to find the right one.

A soft rustle sounded to the left and drew Ink's eyelights away from his game for a second before they bounced back to the TV.

Dream lingered in the doorway, head tilted to the side with slightly narrowed eye sockets. Curiosity shone in his voice as he asked, "Noble demon of writing utensils, what jovial activities are you participating in on this fine morn?"

"Oh, just playing this new game that was released recently! Probably the only one playing it since it's not even available in this AU- You would not believe that effort I had to go through to get it!" Ink rambled, not once bothering to take his eyelights off the screen. "A bee kept chasing me because I forgot I put these pretty flowers in my scarf. And- And last week, this weird human threw rocks at me; It was fun until Broomie tripped him and left me to take care of the body!"

"I- I see..." The yellow-clad skeleton's voice held more horror towards Ink's recount than astonishment or interest. He then nervously stammered, "M-may I watch? I have never seen a 'game' like this one."

"Heh-he! Sure, it will be way more fun with an audience!" 

A gloved hand patted the open sofa cushion. Dream cautiously accepted the invitation, slowly stepping over and situating himself on the plush surface. His yellow eyelights fell upon Ink's cat monstrosity. The tentative smile along his jaws quickly found itself replaced by a small frown. However, the Guardian of Positivity said not a word as he watched the character spaz throughout the village. Shortly the feline came to a halt by a villager and struck them. A horrified gasp echoed across the room.

Seeing this as a golden opportunity, Ink repeatedly pressed the button, causing his character to punch over and over again. The villager screamed for mercy, for the guards, as their health bar decreased with each successful hit. 

Dream howled in anguish, "No, stop! You're killing them!" His hand stretched toward the TV, alight with healing magic. The effort was in vain, though, since his magic could not reach them nor ease their suffering. A forlorn expression clouded his face at the realization. 

"Pfft- Well, yeah, that is the point of the game." Ink stated, nonchalantly.

The skeleton beside him puffed up in rage, crying, "How dare you treat life like a game?! And to kill these innocents so mercilessly with your otherworldly avatar, perhaps you are more  of a beast than I originally estimated."

At those words, a brilliant idea popped into Ink's head. His eye sockets went dark - void of their mirthful shapes and colors - while his jaws spread into a wide, jagged-toothed grin. He turned to face the righteous monster, who screamed bloody murder upon meeting his gaze. Almost immediately, Dream scrambled off the couch and through the nearest door, muttering prayers under his breath as he left.

Ink chuckled to himself while reverting his face to normal. "Heh. If I had known he was that easy to scare, I would have tried that ages ago!" 

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