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Summary: Blueberror and Error participate in some April Fool's shenanigans.

Silence engulfed the Anti-Void- but not on this day, as two errors in the system were plotting to prank the multiverse

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Silence engulfed the Anti-Void- but not on this day, as two errors in the system were plotting to prank the multiverse.

"Blueberror, re-remind me how-w exactly you-you talked me in-into this?" Error hissed, looking down at his outfit. Wrapped neatly around his neck was a torn red scarf. A long white lab coat and sweater covered his chest; old black shorts with a white stripe on each side clothed his legs. Fluffy pink slippers sat on his feet.

It was the very same outfit Geno wore. 

The starry-faced glitch giggled. "W-well, first I-I convinced you-u it would be-be super duper fun-fun to pretend-nd to be so-someone for the day-day, and brought-ght you Ink's old clo-clothes, which-which you rejected-ed for obvious reasons. But... I still-still don't under-understand why you-u decided-ed t-to dress as Geno."

"If-If I'm going-ing to pretend t-to be a filthy abom-abomination for the d-day, I might as-s well be-be the most toler-tolerable one." 

Ink's day hadn't been going as planned. Sure, he liked pranks as much as the next skeleton, but this was just ridiculous. Toilet paper - likely an entire month's worth - laid across the roof of his house. How someone got that much toilet paper, let alone got it into the very secure Doodle Sphere, was a mystery to him. With a sigh, he moved to begin cleaning it up.

That plan was cut short, though. Right as Ink went to grab some of the loose paper, a sharp pain stabbed at his nonexistent soul.

An AU was being destroyed. 

"Yes!" Ink squealed, childishly. The destruction of an AU could only mean one thing: Error. His best friend (solely in mind, not in spirit) and rival! And here he was beginning to think today would be lame and full of cleaning. He pulled Broomy from his back and formed a paint portal to the AU.

The sight that awaited caused him to freeze. A hand slowly reached into his pocket and produced a phone. Ink swiftly dialed the number of who he sought. 

"Uh... Reaper, I think your husband is finally taking the whole 'destroy all the timelines' thing seriously."

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