You're Blue Now!

176 15 5

Summary: It's contagious!?

A snowy fog danced across the icy field that separated Snowdin from Waterfall, dissipating enough to reveal two figures: a rosy-cheeked human covered in a suspicious, powdery grey substance and a stocky skeleton clad in silver armor and a blue ban...

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A snowy fog danced across the icy field that separated Snowdin from Waterfall, dissipating enough to reveal two figures: a rosy-cheeked human covered in a suspicious, powdery grey substance and a stocky skeleton clad in silver armor and a blue bandana.

They stood several feet apart, gazes fixed on each other, locked in a harrowing turn-based battle.

A set of blue bone attacks soared at the stony-faced human, who patiently waited for each one to pass harmlessly over them.

Next blue magic encompassed their bright red soul. Consequently, coloring the incorporeal organ a vibrant sky-like shade and weighing it down to the ground, only allowing the owner to dodge left/right and jump.

The caster of the magic struck a cliché heroic pose; shoulders squared, back straight, eye sockets closed, teeth set in a confident grin, right hand placed on his hip while the left balled into a fist and raised toward the cavern ceiling.

Blue cheerily exclaimed. "Mweh-he-heh! You are blue now, human!"

Said "human" glanced at their soul, eyes trailing down to their suddenly inhuman and more skeleton-esque, armored body.

In a voice not their own, they questioned, "O-okay. I'm blue. Now what?"

The Underswap Sans jolted, clearly caught off-guard, and opened his eye sockets, gasping at the sight- a skeleton identical to himself.

"Another me has appeared?!" His usual theatrics vanished in an instant, and he leveled the transformed human with an out-of-character glare, promptly demanding in a shockingly deep, serious voice, "Tell me, handsome skeleton, who is the Legendary TacoMaster?"

Previously human brows furrowed at the question, followed by an extremely confused, "What?"

Before Chara - or, in actuality, Frisk - could receive an answer, a tall, bony monster bearing an orange hoodie came running through the snow while screaming; gradually slowing to a halt and growing increasingly more confused than worried/fearful. "SANS, STOP... f-fighting yourself?"

Two indistinguishable faces turned to look at Stretch, who gaped at them in a perplexed-leery manner.

"Bro, why are there two of you? Is this a prank? Are you pranking me again? Is making puns and ominously appearing behind me to make sure I'm working not enough anymore?" The younger skeleton said in exasperation, crossing his arms with a deep frown and warily approaching the pair- occasionally glancing back and forth between them, uncertain as to who would answer.

Blue quickly responded, voice not holding a hint of the emotion or timbre it previously possessed. "No, this is not a prank. I haven't a clue where they came from; I could have sworn I was fighting someone else!"

"Then, how?"

Frisk watched the two share a meaningful look, conveying some unknown silent message. And promptly chose to interrupt via a voice lacing in a thick coat of annoyance, "This funny and all, but can you change me back into a human? I kind of have a schedule to keep."

A second gasp emanated from their new doppelgänger while their orange-clad spectator remained silent. "Me, why would you ever want to be human? We are magnificent enough as is. But, perhaps our lovely portfolio of flattering photography will remind you of our splendor?"

Blue sped off toward his home, and Stretch hesitantly trailed behind him.

Upon noticing his twin not walking alongside them, the short skeleton shouted, "Come along, other me! We have much reminiscing to do."

Frisk begrudgingly followed. All the while grumbling under their breath, "Why couldn't I have transformed into something cool, with sharp teeth" They gave a cursory poke to the dull, seemingly fused teeth lining their jaws, then glanced disappointedly at their gloved phalanges, "or claws? I can't kill anything, let alone tear a piece of paper, with these."

A sudden thought caused their gait to still. With wide eyes (eye sockets?), they watched the retreating backs of the skeleton brothers. "Wait, am I going to be stuck like this forever? Does this mean I have to live with them from now on?!"

It was then that Snowdin's resident skeleton duo became a very confused skeleton trio.

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