Cookies and Traps

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A/N: A belated Gyftmas story.

Summary: Another year, another Gyftmas for Palette and Goth to continue their holiday tradition

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Summary: Another year, another Gyftmas for Palette and Goth to continue their holiday tradition.

Soft, pillowy grey clouds blanketed the evening sky

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Soft, pillowy grey clouds blanketed the evening sky. The shadows cast added to the sharp chill in the air and only strengthened as small white flakes slowly began to rain from above, growing the already large stretch of snow coating the land. Barren tree branches bent beneath the increasing load before curving in a way that allowed the hefty snow to fall to the ground. Over the course of a few hours, this would create enormous mounds perfect for playing in once the weather cleared in the upcoming morning. Provided the occasional strong gusts cutting through the surrounding trees stopped kicking up the snow poffs.

Palette hummed softly; His colorful eyelights fixated on the world beyond the frosted glass window to the left. A particularly icy-looking draft urged him to nestle further into his best friend's couch and pull the borrowed starry, blue quilt tighter around himself- which was very helpful in his attempt to fight off catching a secondhand chill. Not that it helped suppress a shiver as the wind grew stronger. Airy howls echoed. Windows all across the home gave a rattle. It, thankfully, took a mere few moments for the noise to die down. Yet, the world outside seemed icier than ever. The young skeleton gave a considering glance at the dark, wooden end table settled below the windowsill. A steaming cup of Geno's famous hot chocolate innocently sat atop it. Despite how tempting it may be, he knew better than to gulp down the devilish treat. Geno made the sweet beverage once a year (during Gyftmas season and solely during Gyftmas season), and anyone fortunate enough to receive a cup savored it. That was if they had the strength to fight their growing temptation.

Which Palette quickly decided he didn't have.

A sleeve-covered arm crept past the blanket's confines and over the couch's armrest, allowing his hand easy access to the mug's handle. He snatched it without a second thought, drawing the chocolaty drink to his teeth and taking a big sip before returning the half-empty cup to its spot. The rich cocoa's taste had his invisible taste buds begging for more. This time, however, Palette resisted the drink's powerful siren call. (Barely. But the budding guardian would never admit to catching a hand before it could snake over and greedily grasp the delight, like an imp after a shiny gold ring.) He refused to squander a single drop left in the mug, primarily because there was no telling if he would be able to get another cup.

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