Inktober Shorts (23) - Costume Decisions

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Summary: Dream is slowly becoming his father.

A frown tugged down the corners of Dream's jaws

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A frown tugged down the corners of Dream's jaws. His eye sockets narrowed at the suspiciously familiar blue/silver armor Ink presented him with.


The artist pouted, pushing the outfit closer. "Aw, come on! Geno and Error are dressing up like each other for Halloween. You and Blue should swap outfits with each other too." He looked oddly thoughtful before adding, "I'd go to Nightmare since you don't want to, but I think we both know he won't look nearly as convincing in Blue's armor."

The apparel was thrust further into the yellow-clad skeleton's personal space. Thus, leading him to push it away.

Well, as much as the Guardian of AUs would let him.

"No. I'm not going dressed like my father."

"Please." Ink begged, expression equal parts pitiful and off-putting.

Dream sighed; the bones of his left hand twitched with the urge to pinch the bridge of his nasal cavity.

Curse those beady, soulless puppy-dog eyes.

"Fine." He relented.


"But you better make a note on your scarf, so you don't forget. I don't want you chasing me around thinking I'm some kind of mimic or body-snatcher."

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