The Lost One's Weeping

Start from the beginning

A/N: Villain Deku writers, say hi. 

The screen then shows a frantically shaking classroom, whilst also in a glitching effect.

"Feel it cutting into me, the doubting painful knife"

Midoriya in middle-school uniform is seen walking with a notebook in hand and a solemn expression.

"I don't like how that metaphor is phrased..." Momo says, worried for her dear classmate.

"Feel it deepening in the rift, when it hit just right"

A close up on Izuku's face

"Couldn't take the love I had, so weak and burning low"

All Might in his skinny form, on a rooftop, witha solemn expression on his face.

"Who's that?"

"What's this guy got to do with this?"


All Might (who most haven't realised is there yet), thinks to himself 'Oh no, I know where this is headed.' with a very, very distracting pang of guilt.

It then shows a devastated-looking Midoriya, reaching his hand out to the mysterious man (All Might)

"In the end it only turned into a weapon hurting me-"

"It looks like whoever the man is said something that really hurt Midoriya" Todoroki points out

"Yeah, I think so too." Toru adds.

"For the things the man said to hurt Midoriya like a weapon, kero..." Tsuyu adds on. "The thing he said must've been scarring."

'What did Toshinori say to little Midoriya' Recovery Girl thinks.

"I believe I have already figured out various possibilities, although I need more evidence." Principal Nezu says.


"This I know..."

A crying midoriya, hand clutching his chest, with pages of his notebook flying in the air, gradually floating down.

"Is non-fiction..."

Scribbles harshly cover Izuku's eyes and all the pages.

"I don't understand?" Midnight says

"I believe he is saying that he was hurt deeply, and that that is the harsh truth." Momo states

"Nemuri, you are stupid for a pro." Aizawa bluntly says

"Hey! I'm offended!"


"SHUT UP!" Ahhh, so the human-bomb is back.

More glitches, too fast to comprehend what they were.

Izuku sitting on a desk, writing something.

"So good with numbers, science, maths I like"

Midoriya being made fun off, and him sitting in his seat,trying to hide his face in his hands.

Uraraka, being the emotional bean she is, starts crying seeing her best friend so... empty. 

"His eyes, t-they're so.. dull and empty... it's like he's used to it! I can't bare to see him like this! Where're his friends?!"

Bakugou slightly flinches at that last sentence, an action not unnoticed by Aizawa, Nezu and the undercover All Might. 

The sad truth is that he didn't have friends since he was 4, all the way till he was 14. But of course, he's never said anything about that and no one has ever asked.

"But I'm terrible at English, so I despise-"

"Actually, he's pretty good- one of the best actually" Present Mic states, confused.

"The nerd was probably underestimating himself and having low self-esteem again. Tch" Bakugou says "Stupid deku."

"He always just accepted how he was always going to be the last and the worse in anything without ever truly fighting back. Useless nerd." Bakugou unintentionally reveals.

Pure shock and sadness shone in everyone's eyes. Their sweet cinnamon roll was too kind...he'd accept the pain and not fight back even though he didn't do anything wrong.

"If you really think about it, that sounds like something Midoriya would do." Mineta says. (sorry) 

Everyone stares at him weirdly, although they agree.

"What? Midoriya was nice to me, he's really cool and he saved me during the USJ attack!" Disgusting grape juice says.

Everyone hates him (apart from Kaminari and Deku- but Deku is completely innocent) however they still agree.

"That part of me that wants a simple 'yes' or 'wrong'..."

Midoriya slightly chews on his pencil, in deep thought.

"And I feel that everything I choose will always be F A L S E"

A picture of his hero costume, violently scribbled out in red ink.

"Please tell me he doesn't actually feel this way... him bottling up his emotions for so long is so unmanly! ...And yet so manly at the same time 'cuz he has to be so strong to do that...

"Why'd Midoriya scribble that picture out so violently? It was a great picture..." Todoroki says in a monotone voice, not really expressing too many emotions.

"Something's definitely wrong.. Midoriya treasures every picture like a sacred treasure, there's no way he would scribble it out so aggressively..." Uraraka says, who has now stopped crying.


"And today, this homework, about me, a balnk sheEttT"

!Error, system overload!

"Ah! My baby!" Hatsume exclaims, "I will fix this shortly!"

"We shall wait then." Iida assures, stopping the surprised yelps. 

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