Chapter 12: An Old Friend

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23-2-2-4012 DM, Kanay, Telama, Hilaraya

Aron walked through the familiar streets of Kanay while trying to ignore the scalding heat that reflected off the white cobblestones. The soft westerly breeze that ran through the thin fabric of his green Perayali robes helped ease the growing intensity of the heat. The city was already buzzing with life. People walked hurriedly past him, eager to go about their business for the day, while carriages rang their warning bells to alert the crowd of their passage. The toll of the Kanayi Garalahi heralded the coming of the ninth hour of light, which meant that it was already open to visitors. This reminded him of the shade under the tall greenwood trees that surrounded the park where the Garalahi stood. Excited at the thought walking under the cool shade of trees, he quickened his pace a little, just enough so he wouldn't break a sweat. He had just passed by a glamourous jewellery shop at the corner of a busy intersection and was about to make a right turn when he suddenly bumped into a lakadu.

"Oh, my apologies," the lakadu said immediately as Aron kept himself from falling to the ground.

Aron felt strong hands gripping his shoulders, which, thankfully, steadied him.

"Periji Aron?"

Aron was surprised to hear a familiar voice. He focused on the lakadu's face and saw a pair of friendly round blue eyes. The lakadu was completely bald and wore the traditional green Perayali robes.

"Sandi? I mean, Periji Sandi?"

"By Suraya, you're here! I thought you were going to Eranga?" Periji Sandi asked as he let go of Aron's shoulders. "We received your falcon yesterday. Periji Yani left for Arang this morning to take your place at the Arangi Garalahi. Where is the bayaharadu?"

"Ah yes, we just arrived this morning. We had quite a rough time at sea coming here, and I thought it best for us stay here for the night before heading out to Eranga on the morrow. The bayaharadu went to visit his Lamayi at the harbour district together with his Amyi and his friend. I'm actually on my way to the Garalahi to confirm if you already sent my replacement and to ask you some questions."

"Questions? Well, not here! By the elements, Periji. We'll melt under the sun! Come, let's go to the park."

"Of course," Aron replied, chuckling, and two of them walked side by side towards the city centre.

Sandi Peri-Samera was one of Aron's long-time friends. They met at the Perangar Lagarne, which was located in an island in the middle of the Emara Sea in the Kanaraya region, when they joined the Brotherhood of the Reja Perayali over thirty cycles ago. As they went through the different stages towards becoming fully-realised Perayali, they became really good friends. During their first few cycles as Perayali, they both served as apprentice Pembaji at the Garalahi in the city of Marenin. Eventually, they parted ways to pursue expertise in their chosen fields of study. Aron's fascination with different plants and animals brought him to remote places in the continent to specialise in Aramkaya. Periji Sandi, on the other hand, focused on Pemerikaya. This led him to seek forgotten knowledge hidden in dusty tomes within the archives of the greatest libraries that ever existed.

Aron and Periji Sandi, both of whom were very familiar with Kanay, expertly navigated through its busy streets until they arrived at the northern gates of the Evergreen Garden, the park at the centre of the city where the Palace of the Dewa Majarani and the Kanayi Garalahi stood.

The majestic northern gates of the Evergreen Garden were called the Fallen Trellis. It was made from the tips of the spears used by the brave Telami warriors, famously known as the Fearless Four Hundred, who died for the freedom of Telama during the Great War. The spear tips were painted green and welded onto the bronze railings and pickets to resemble leaves and vines. The Fallen Trellis served as a monument to celebrate the end of the Great War, the founding of the Pacific Republic of Telama, and the establishment of the Alliance of Independent States over a thousand cycles ago.

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