Chapter 8: A Surprise Visitor

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22-2-2-4012 DM, Melaku Timara Strait, Telama, Hilaraya

The Seabird continued its course southwards from Latyang Island, which was southeast of Arang, going towards the Melaku Timara Strait, which would lead them to the Gulf of Tayang where the harbour city of Kanay was located. The journey had been quite smooth, as far as Dari was concerned. The bronze bell hanging just below the crow's nest on the mainmast of the Seabird had just announced the coming of the tenth hour of darkness and the sky was already littered with shimmering stars, accompanied by the light of the waning moon. It had only been two nights since the full moon, so the lady of the night still glowed majestically on her flying throne in the Suraya. It was quite late in the evening and there was nobody on deck except for Dari and two sailors in the crow's nest above. A light breeze blew from the north and sea was relatively calm, giving the Seabird a graceful stride on the water. According to Latari Kunapu, the Seabird's captain, they were making good time and they might reach the capital before the first hour of light on the morrow.

Under the light of the moon overhead, Dari sat in a folding chair, which he propped near the ship's prow, making a few finishing touches to a sketch that he had been working on since after midday. He blew the last traces of loose charcoal dust on his drawing and held it at arm's length as he always did after finishing a sketch. His uncanny ability to see in the dark made him appreciate the fine lines and broad strokes that made up a monochromatic sketch of four dolphins jumping out of the water. He smiled as he remembered how excited he was to see blue dolphins for the first time while he was walking along the starboard side of the Seabird after midday luncheon that day. He giggled as he remembered how he almost fell twice when he ran to get his sketchbook from their cabin, and how frantic he was while trying to capture the dolphins' forms as they playfully followed the ship. Satisfied with his work, he carefully placed the drawing inside his sketchbook, laid it on his lap and closed his eyes to rest them for a bit. He felt the gentle rocking motion of the Seabird, together with the gentle sound of chimes in his ears, making him rather sleepy. He let out a mighty yawn, stretched his arms over his head, crossed them over his chest, and began to drift.

"What was that you were holding out earlier?" a lakadu's voice in front of Dari said, making him jump in surprise. He recognised a Hilari accent, but the consonants were more emphasised than he was used to hearing. He opened his eyes and blinked out the sudden blurriness so he could see who spoke.

The odd young lakadu whom Dari saw at the port stood in front of him. The young lakadu wore a light-coloured tunic and pale yellow trousers. He was still clutching his bag tightly in front of him as if afraid that someone might grab it from him. He had a curious but very shy expression on his face.

"Oh, I'm sorry to disturb you. Don't mind me. I'll just go on ahead," the young lakadu said, suddenly looking embarrassed. He was about to turn around and walk away when Dari acknowledged him.

"No, it's alright. You're not bothering me. I was just resting my eyes for a bit. I just finished a sketch of a group of dolphins I saw earlier. Would you like to see it?" Dari said and saw the young lakadu's eyes growing wide in surprise.

"Your eyes!" the young lakadu exclaimed. "They're silver grey, but you're of Hilari blood, aren't you?"

"I am," Dari said confidently. He had heard this remark a hundred times before and had a ready response for it.

"I was born with them. As far as my parents are concerned, both of them have pure Hilari blood, but they must be wrong. One of them might have a Timari ancestor from hundreds of cycles ago for all I know," Dari continued, smiling.

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