Chapter 27: Matters of Trust

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32-2-2-4012 DM, Gelang, Telama, Hilaraya

"What?!" Dari suddenly blurted out, almost spilling the summerstar tea from the wooden cup that he was holding. He didn't mean to shout but he was surprised by what he heard. He saw some curious patrons in the common room of The Grey Anvil looking their way, so he raised his right hand and bowed to them apologetically.

"It appears that the lakadu will be going with you to the Perangar," Jesi, who was seated to Dari's left, replied after taking a sip of summerstar tea from his own cup. He still looked shaken by what happened earlier, but he seemed to be holding himself up quite well.

"But that is absurd! How could the Periji allow this?" Dari asked incredulously, trying to keep himself from shouting despite the rising fury in his stomach.

"Don't ask me, Dari. How should I know? Alyana just mentioned it to me in passing on her way up the stairs. You should ask her or the Periji when they come down. Don't take it out on me," Jesi said raising his left brow, and took a small bite off the loaf of banana and wheat bread from the table.

"I... I'm sorry, Jesi. I didn't mean to..." Dari said, feeling embarrassed. He took a deep breath and settled the cup down before it could slip off his hand. There was no use speculating. He decided that he would ask either Alyana or the Periji later, whoever comes down first.

Dari took the spoon on the right side of the bowl in front of him and started to absentmindedly stir the bowl's contents. He felt very excited at the prospect of a warm bowl of beef and vegetable stew when he came down to the common room for supper a few minutes ago, but the news that Jesi gave him had spoiled his appetite.

Shaking his head, Dari looked up from the bowl and regarded the common room to look for something to distract himself from the ludicrous news he had just heard. The timekeeper above the mantlepiece had just announced the coming of the fifth hour of darkness. The common room of The Grey Anvil was lit by four lanterns at every corner. A crackling fireplace, which was situated at the far end of the room next to a set of cushioned chairs, gave off the fragrant scent of blackwood logs. It was much like the common room of The Hungry Sailor in Kanay but the people here were more subdued. He wasn't surprised to see gloomy faces huddled in hushed conversations given the present circumstances.

According to Jesi, of the seven or so inns in Gelang, The Grey Anvil was the only inn that Sheilin found that had rooms to accommodate them all, including Jesi's Menaji and Mistress Dayana. From what Dari overheard from the murmuring crowd on their way to the inn, the Gelangi who lost their homes to the fire took rooms in the inns but the keepers refused to take any payment from the townsfolk. Sheilin even had to force some coins into The Grey Anvil's innkeeper's hand because he wouldn't take payment when he saw Jesi and his household.

Dari allowed himself a small smile at the generosity of the Gelangi and took a spoonful of the stew into his mouth and chewed thoughtfully.

"Wait... What do you mean 'will be going with you'? Aren't you coming with us to Eranga?" Dari asked suddenly, but he immediately bit his lip when he realised that he was foolish to ask Jesi such questions.

"Dari... My Menaji..." Jesi replied and a shadow fell on his face.

"I... Of course. I wasn't thinking. I'm so sorry. Forget that I even asked," Dari said, feeling stupid for his lack of consideration.

Dari raised his right hand to wave a gesture of dismissal, but he was still holding the spoon that was filled with stew. Too late to realise what he had in his right hand, he saw the contents of the spoon flying everywhere! A piece of meat hit Jesi's right cheek and a piece of carrot landed at the tip of Dari's nose and their faces were both sprinkled with warm broth. Dari saw Jesi's eyes widen in surprise. He would have laughed loudly at the sight of his friend's face if not for the morose atmosphere in the common room. He and Jesi contented themselves in suppressed giggles while they wiped their faces clean with their table napkins.

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