Chapter 22

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The sun was high, and the sky was cleared blue. Eowyn was walking in the streets of Camelot, heading the chambers. She had been near the market, walking and helping people. But it was quite hard with all the agitation. Camelot was even more in vivid than the usual. A tournament was taking place. A knight jousting. So, noblemen from the entire kingdom came to participate. Eowyn didn't really understand the infatuation around these kind of events. She had a huge respect for knights. They fought to protect their kingdoms. She found what she did noble. But what was exciting in seeing men hitting each other with weapons and potentially getting harmed? To Eowyn, it just makes her anxious. What if they get severely wounded? What if he gets severely wounded? The sylphide shook the thought away. She shouldn't be thinking like that. He was the Prince. And she was nobody.

"Eowyn!" She heard someone calling her. She turned around and spotted Gwen briskly walking to her. Morgana's servant seemed stressed. Eowyn wondered what happened. "Can I talk to you?" Gwen asked when she reached Eowyn. The latter nodded and immediately followed Gwen to her house. Eowyn leaned on the table as Guenevre closed the door. She then abruptly turned to face her best friend, fidgeting with her fingers.

"Can you do me a favor?" Gwen asked, making Eowyn frowned.

"Yeah, what is it?" Eowyn said, wanting to help her friend. Gwen inhaled and took a second to voice her thoughts.

"You know that Arthur and Merlin left the town, right?"

"Yeah," Eowyn nodded. "I know they're up to something. Merlin was acting strange since yesterday and Arthur left the town for a mission. I know it's his duty but he was training for the jousting for days and the timing is a little bit too perfect. Not mentioning the fact that he didn't seem that bothered to miss the tournament knowing how much he loves fighting in the arena," Eowyn explained as Gwen slightly smiled. It was such a Eowyn thing to analyse everything.

"You're really the smartest," Gwen complimented, making Eowyn chuckled. "But yeah, you're right. Arthur and Merlin didn't really left town,"

"What do you mean?" Eowyn asked, intrigued.

"Arthur lied to Uther. He will participate to the tournament but undercover. We hired a man to play a nobleman. But when it will be time to fight, Arthur will be the one in the arena," Gwen explained as Eowyn frowned. Why would Arthur do such a thing? He has nothing to prove. Everyone knew how brave and strong he was. At least she did.

"But what I have to do with this?" Eowyn asked, not understanding what Gwen needed her to do.

"You see, since Arthur is jousting undercover, he cannot stay in the castle. He needs somewhere to stay," Gwen continued as the physician nodded in understanding. "Merlin asked me if I could host him and I agree since I want to help them but..." Gwen was still fidgeting with her fingers. She looked embarrassed and nervous. Eowyn would be too. It was quite a big deal to host the Crown Prince of Camelot in your house.

"But afterwards, I think that it wouldn't be... appropriate..." Eowyn frowned at her best friend's words. Why would it be inappropriate?

"Why? You're house is cleaner than any house. And I think it would be good for Arthur to see what his people's lives look like. Besides, not sleeping in a canopy bed for a few days won't harm him,"

"Yes, but... I mean... It wouldn't be appropriate to let Arthur stay here. With me. Knowing your feelings for him," even though Gwen had no feelings for the Prince - except for friendly feelings - she was uncomfortable regarding Eowyn's feelings for Arthur. She felt like it wasn't right to live - even though it was just for a few days - in the same house than Arthur. Gwen didn't want to make her best friend uncomfortable. But Eowyn wasn't the only reason.

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