Chapter 41

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A/N: Because I've graduated from highschool today, here's the last chapter of Forbidden Love in advance. Enjoy!!


"So you are a Princess?!" Merlin exclaimed, shocked.

"And Ulric is your cousin?!" Gwen exclaimed too. Both Eowyn and Ulric chuckled at their reaction.

After the survivors of the party returned to Camelot, Eowyn and Ulric decided to stay the night. After such a battle, they needed rest to travel back to Usad. Yes, Eowyn had decided to return to her kingdom. There was too many things to do. Her time to stay in Camelot had yet to arrived.

It was now the morning. In the Physician Chamber, Gaius, Merlin, and Gwen were eager to know about Eowyn's stories and adventures. They knew a lot of things must have happened during these pasr two weeks. What they were the most eager to know was who was Ulric and why Eowyn was wearing Usad's colors. So the last Sylphide told them everything. Her being attacked by bandits, then being saved by Ulric, him bringing her to Usad and unravelling her past and origins as well as meating her family and embracing her title of Princess. It was a great journey in the span of two weeks.

"I would have never thought you would be the daughter of Queen Elvira," Gaius said. "I have never met her but only heard good about her,"

"Eowyn was born a week before the siege of the Royal City of Usad," Ulric explained. "Only Usadians and a few other people such as King Uther knew that Queen Elvira was a sylphide,"

"And he still chose to attack Usad?" Merlin asked in disblief. The grave nod of both Eowyn and Ulric comfirmed his thoughts. Uther was awful.

"Not many people knows about this. Including me," Gaius said. Eowyn turned to her guardian, shocked. Gaius was usually aware of many things. Uther must have been very secretive about this operation. "I was told Usad had betrayed the treaty with Camelot. As a repay, Uther annexed a part of Usad,"

Ulric scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Lies," Ulric scoffed. "Uther was just not brave enough to admit the murder of his friends. And even though he annexed Usad, he doesn't help us at all. He marginalises us,"

"What do you plan to do?" Gwen asked Eowyn.

"I will come back to Usad," she said. Instantly, Merlin's eyes filled themselves with sadness. He had just found his sister back that she had to leave again. He knew, the moment he saw her with that blue cape, that she wouldn't stay long. But he still hoped she would. These weeks were she wasn't there were difficult for him. He was so used to have her by his side that he felt lost without her. "I have a lot to do there. As a Princess it is my duty to manage the kingdom as well as I can. There are many things to be fixed, things Uther did not bother to cared of. So I have to continue the work of Queen Elvira and my uncle, Bearach,"

"I understand," Merlin softly smiled. It may take years before Eowyn would come back to Camelot definitely. Maybe never. She was a Primcess, she had a lot of responsibilities, a lot of things to take care of. "You better visit and send letters once in a while. Because I will!"

Eowyn chuckled.

"And you, cousin," Merlin addressed Ulric who smiled at the way he called him. "I'm counting on you to keep an eye on Eowyn. But she can be hard to handle sometimes so good luck," he joked, making Ulric chuckled as Eowyn slapped her brother's arm.

"Don't worry about it," Ulric reassured. "And I already know about her stubborn self," he joked.

"Watch the way you're talking about your Princess," Eowyn playfully threatened. "Anyway, what about you tell me how in the Valhalla Gwen knows about Merlin's magic? What did I miss?"

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