Chapter 28

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Eowyn was in the forest. As soon as she woke up, she ate her breakfast and left to a lone place where she was sure no one would see her. She wanted to practice that new ability she got from the necklace. It was still a strange feeling but she wanted to handle it and get use to it.

Eowyn looked around, making sure no one was watching. She didn't want to het caught practicing witchcraft. Fortunately, other than birds singing and leaves brushing, there was nothing.

Eowyn took a deep breathe and closed her eyes. She gently took her pendant. She felt a sudden energy running through her entire being. Wind was swirling around her. It was soft, protective even. She felt lighter, she felt her feet slowly leaving the ground. Her entire being, her spirit, her mind, her soul was peacefull. She could feel everything, hear everything. The mutters of the leaves, the words of the trees, the voices of the village nearby. She was in cohesion, in harmony with nature. She was aware of everything, she was omnipotent.

Eowyn felt the ground under her feet again. She opened her eyes and looker at her pendant, a smile on her lips. The feeling she felt because of the pendant was comfortable, pleasant. It was as if her power were at its paroxysm, at its peak.

When she would be back in Camelot, she would somon Gaius' help to understand what this pendant really was. It was obviously not human. Its design screamed it was magical. But she never saw such magical design before, not even in Gaius' books. It was strange there was almost nothing about sylphs and sylphides. It was as if they were legends among the magical world. But there was proofs they existed. Eowyn was one of them. But who were they? That it was a mystery. And Eowyn had no idea of how to get answer. Kilgararah wouldn't tell her a thing. He wanted her to discover everything by her self. But how should she search if she had no clue. Eowyn hoped this necklace would help her on her personal quest.

After a few hours of practice, Eowyn decided to go back home to enjoy her remaining time with her mother before going back to Camelot.

The sylphide entered the house. Hunith was sat at the table. Eowyn greeted her and kissed her on the cheek before taking a piece of bread from the kitchen counter.

"Eowyn," Hunith called.

"Um?" Eowyn said, munching on her piece of bread. The sylphide slightly frowned as she noticed that her mother seemed bothered. Her eyebrows were furowed, Hunith seemed troubled. "Are you okay, mother?"

Hunith didn't answer right away. But she then smiled, trying to reassure her daughter, which didn't really worked.

"Take a seat, angel," Hunith finally said.

Eowyn frowned even more but did what she was told to. She was strating to get worried, fearing something bad had happened when she was in the forest.

"Nothing bad happened," Hunith reassured as if she had read her daughter's mind. Eowyn eased a bit but was still troubled too. Why Hunith seemed so uncomfortable. It was as if she was walking on high wire. "You reached your 20th birthday. The pendant was not the only think I have to give you,"

Eowyn frowned but didn't interupt her mother. She was more curious now. What Hunith had to give to her. Why did it make her so uncomfortable?

"When I found you in this little basket, curled up in your blanket and so peacefull," Hunith continued. "There was a letter with the box. A letter from your biological parents. A note was saying you should have it at your twentieth birthday. So here it is,"

It was at that moment that Eowyn noticed a folded piece of parchment under Hunith's hands. The mother gently pushed it towards her daughter.

Eowyn then understood why Hunith was so uncomfortable. She was fearing what Eowyn would learn in this letter would change the way the Sylphide was seeing her. But it would never. Hunith was the one who raised Eowyn. So to Eowyn, Hunith will always be her mother.

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