Chapter 14

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Black. Everything was dark. Everything was cold. Everything was blurred. Eowyn had the impression that she was moving fast. The wind was blowing on her face. The atmosphere was tensed. The air was thick. There was no sound. Just the silence. A heavy silence. Suddenly, the silence was broken by a high scream of agony. A scream that seemed to not end.

Eowyn suddenly opened her eyes and bolted up on her bed, gasping of air. She was out of breath, just like the last time. Again, she had another dream. A disturb one. Eowyn was getting more and more scared by them. She didn't know what they meant. What they were. She didn't why she had them. But they were just there. Not knowing what was happening was frightening her. Maybe it was because of the stress? A lot of things had happened in Camelot. A sorceress wanting to kill the Prince, a knight with a magic snake shield, a monster infecting the water, an unknown sorceress wanting to kill Merlin, a Griffin attacking the kingdom, magical beings wanting to sacrifice the Prince and risking her life to save a boy from being executed. It was a LOT. Maybe that was why she had those dreams? Eowyn's stress is reflecting in her dreams? Maybe it wasn't anything magical? Everything hadn't had to be magical, right?

"Sister, you okay?" Eowyn heard Merlin asked. When she looked up at him, he was frowning, worried. He had noticed how disturbed she looked when he went back into the chamber to wake her up. "It's your dreams again?"

"Yes... But don't worry, I'm already fine," she reassured her brother as she stood up. She was happy and relieved that she could talk about her dreams to someone. She didn't feel lonely anymore. Eowyn couldn't help but think about Morgana and her dreams. Unlike Eowyn, she had no one to talk about it to. Maybe Eowyn should talk to the Lady about it?

"We should tell Gaius. Maybe he knows something," Merlin suggested as they headed to the physician's chambers. "He could make you a sleeping draught too?"

"We'll tell him later," Eowyn agreed as they went to sit at a table, ready to eat their breakfast. Gaius had great knowledge. Maybe he knew something about her dreams. Or even about sylphides. "We need to get prepared for Arthur's crowning,"


Arthur kneeled before Uther. Eowyn, dressed in her royal blue dress, was with Merlin and Gwen in the crowd, watching proudly the crowning. Arthur was now the Crown Prince of Camelot. It was one step again to the throne and thus, being King. Eowyn's chocolate eyes were glued on the Prince. She couldn't felt more proud of him. It felt like years since first met him. Now she laughed at the fact that she didn't like him at first. She thought it was arrogant and full of himself. He still was but Eowyn got to know him and the image she had of him changed. Arthur was just and right. He wanted to do what he thought was right, even if it meant disobeying his father. In those cases, he needed a little push but at the end, he was the one making the decision. Arthur was a good person and Eowyn knew he would be a great King. A better one than Uther. Arthur would be the greatest King Camelot would ever have.

Eowyn listened to Gwen's and Merlin's conversation. Morgana's maid was trying to make Merlin admit that he was proud of Arthur. But Eowyn knew he would never. It was too much to ask for him, even though both Gwen and Eowyn knew how proud Merlin was. But the sorcerer just pretended to be proud of how clean Arthur's socks were. The two women couldn't help but laugh. However, the good and light moment was interrupted by a crashing and breaking sound. A black armoured knight entered the Hall of Ceremony by the stained-glass window. Arthur and his knights immediately drawn their swords and pointed them toward the mysterious black knight. The atmosphere thickened and every eye was glued on the knight as his horse walked toward Arthur. Eowyn noticed the crest on the shield of the black night. It was a phoenix. When the horse stopped, the knight threw his gauntlet at Arthur's feet. The Crown Prince of Camelot sheltered his sword and was about to pick up the gauntlet but another knight beat him at that.

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