Story 10: Dundral: part Three

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"Mei, Mei?" Said K423 running up to Mei who was talking to Bronya. Mei looked to Kiana and said "Ah Kiana, you're here. Ready to go to the beach?" K423 rubbed the back of her head "Ah no, I think I'm feeling unwell" Mei looked worried "Huh, why?"K423 rubbed the back of her head "Ah it's nothing serious, just not felling well." Mei smiled "Then get some rest, we'll hang out a bit late-" Mei then saw the other Kiana and said "Ki- uh what is going on, that girl looks like you?" K423 turned and saw the other Kiana and said "Oh, her that's uh... Me, well the original me. It's why I'm felling unwell, I need to process all of this."

Dundral was looking outside to all of the students leaving and arriving and said "Must be a nice summer?" Fu Hua nodded "Yes, I'd recommend taking a vacation yourself, and watch over that little brat too." dundral then said "yeah, I'll probably do that. But I should train." Fu Hua the said "You're a fugitive of the Schicksal now, your best bet is to not be around the school. Otto will be sending spies around to find you. I know, he told me."

Alex awoke in his cell and smiled at the window saying "Once my strength comes back, I'm gonna kill you all. Starting with you blondie." otto smiled and said through the glass "Oh, but you won't. As long as this cell is laced with honkai energy, you aren't going anywhere." Alex grinned and said "oh we'll see soon enough."

Two years later. "End could you pass me the carrot from the fridge?" Said Mei. End groaned and said "Fine, but only because your food is nice and I usually want some." K423 smiled t end nd said "hey chin up, when you eat you'll you'll forget about what you had to do to help. Happens to me sometimes, even forgetting if I've eaten sometimes. Hey where is real me and Dundral?"

Dundral looked up into the sky and said "My strength is back and now I can save you." she then heard Kiana say "You think you're up for it now, remember you'll be going into a hornets nest." Dundral nodded "Yeah, but I'm thinking of a plan I don't even know where he'll be let alone how they are guarding him." Kiana then smiled "Here, we have trackers on each other, this should pinpoint the location." Dundral then said to Kiana "You've been holding out on me, Why?" Kiana smiled "Easy, you weren't ready.  If I gave you the tracker, let's say a year ago, you'd go rescue him and you'd be recaptured and you would never see Alex again." dundral nodded "Understandable, I'll be back soon I guess?" Kiana smiled "bring him back safely, this is going to be a real big shock to him to find another me and the fact that we tamed end."

Alex looked out to the people observing him and said "Alright, you won. You broke me, I'm a useless fool." Otto looked at the boy and said "Good,prep him for surgery we may ne-" He was then interrupted by someone in the security room saying "Lord, something is approaching and fast, coming to your position. it appears to be, dundral?" Just as otto was about to say something back dundral crashed through the floor of Alex's cell and grabbed him flipping off otto as she crashed through the ceiling into the midday sky.

Alex was blinded by the fact that he was now free and said "Who are you, my eyes are adjusting right now?" Dundral smiled and said "Dundral here." Alex then blushed "Oh uh, thanks. I had a plan to escape but since you came, thank you." dundral nodded and said "No problem, we'll rest in a nearby town for before heading to your sister and end. It'll be unlikely that we are going to be followed but I want to spend some time hiding they'll likely look at st freya so I think we should stay away for a bit."

Alex and dundral landed and He said "Oh this feels better, I needed this." Dundral smiled and said "Good to see you are feeling better. come let's head towards the town, I got us an apartment to share for a while." Alex nodded "Neat, since I've been living in a small metal box where everyone can hear you and you begin to go insane after a while, this will help." Dundral then said "good, I don't want to see you broken, I'll help in any way possible."

A few days went by, dundral and Alex got settled. Dundral called Kiana afterwards and said to her "He is safe, we are staying in our place for a bit." Kiana then said to her "Where is Alex?" Dundral giggled "Fast asleep, he's been isolated for a while so I need to be near. I'll make sure he calls you as soon as he wakes up." Kiana smiled "Thank you. But do take your time. We're in no rush to talk. Hell even take your time to come back, I know you love him." Dundral blushed and said back "A-alright, then, I'll see you again later."

After hanging up dundral went into Alex's room and looked at him she then heard a chuckle and Alex said "I missed you." Dundral was shocked "Huh, you're awake?" Alex smiled "Yeah, haven't had a normal sleep in days. it'll take a while before I get back to normal." Dundral nodded and said "OK, I'll let you get your rest, I'll be out getting food for us." Just as she was about to leave, dundral felt Alex grab her arm she looked over and saw him leaning out of the bed saying "Come in for a bit." Dundral blushed and said "A-alright, just for you."

As she laid in the bed she said to Alex "Is this fine?" Alex nodded "You're here so yes." Alex then sighed "I couldn't stop thinking about you when I was imprisoned, It's what kept me sane." Dundral blushed "W-wow, I didn't think you liked me like that." Alex shrugged "Why, do you not like me?" Dundral blushed even harder "N-no, I love you, a-a lot. It's just I thought about things while trying to rescue you and the big thing I would like to ask is, will you go out with me" Alex smiled "You know, I was going to ask you that at some point. So yes I will go out with you." Dundral had the biggest smile on her face and Kissed Alex immedaly Alex just smiled and said "Thanks."

A couple of days passed and Alex was up and moving again. As he made breakfast for him and dundral he thought about her. The door opened and she said to Alex "I'm back, I got some extra supplies." Alex smiled as he limped over to dundral "Nice, I'm just about finished with breakfast." As the two got back to the kitchen dundral said "Smells nice, kinda like How Mei Makes it." Alex looked confused "Who is this Mei you speak of?" Dundral smiled and gave Alex a kiss "Mei is a friend of Mine, she is a student of Theresa, I told you about her right? Who is also dating a clone of your sister." 

Months passed and Alex recovered fully He was now able to walk properly again, He no longer ached and felt normal again. Dundral was glad and said to Him "Alex, let's head to st freya, it'll be safer, Squads have been arriving here, with a reason, a bounty that's on your head. Let's get out of here fast before they catch up." Alex nodded and said "Good plan, Lets go."

As the two headed towards the forest as the squads entered the city Alex smiled to Dundral. He then said to Her "This is awesome, As long as I am with you I don't care where we end up." Dundral nodded "Same here."

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