Story Ten: Dundral: Part Two

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Dundral shot up as she awoke, seeing an ice pack hit her lap she heard Kiana say "Hey, hey. Take it easy, you still need to recover, the fight was brutal." Dundral looked around "Alex, what happened to Alex?" Kiana smiled "He's fine, just tending to the other guest, he is in a similar state, the girl is fine too." it took dundral a while to process everything. "But, Alex, I thought.. I thought Alex was trying to kill her." Kiana shook her head "The girl was playing with your mind, making it seem that whatever you saw, heard, touched, tasted, and smelled feel real when in reality it wasn't. Alex is immune to this due to who he is, and I don't know how I am immune." Dundral then became a bit confused "All remember is that I heard her say 'Alex is going to kill me!!' I can't believe I was tricked."

The girl awoke and saw Alex sitting there menacingly. "Listen up, how is it that you are still project end even though I took your powers, and I know I am talking to Project end." The girl just giggled "Oh, come on, it's always been me, I am only project end, I was given this body when I was inserted, just, like, you." Alex rolled his eyes, "So what, you're just a personality now?" The girl nodded "Yes, but I'll need a new name, I'll think of one later. For now you should check on your little girlfriend, I'm sure, she's woken up by now."

"All I could hear was her screams after that, I... I thought he killed her, Kiana. what else is wrong with me, am I still under her influence?" Kiana shook her head "No, Alex made sure she wasn't able to do that anymore. however he is still finding trace amounts of energy left in her." Alex then opened the door and said "That's not the problem, there is no problem, except that project end is the main personality. She acted sweet in front of us to trick us into thinking she wasn't in control yet. She is currently docile and unable to fight us in any capacity, you dundral I don't blame you for what happened, just don't worry."

A little while later. Dundral was looking out the window and said to Alex who was running diagnostics on her "Do you think they saw us?" Alex nodded "Yeah, I assume you mean the schicksal." Dundral then looked outside again "Strange, you'd think that with us going outside they would've sent a squad immediately." Alex nodded "yes, strange. I'd get ready to hide just in case."

There was a knock at the door Alex opened it and was immediately attacked by Rita. she then said "Where are they?" Aex grinned "You'd like that, to know where they. They left, you can't catch them now." Rita gave a sweet smile. "Oh well the overseer would love to have them all, but you'll do for now."

Kiana picked up her torch and turned it on "Ok, dundral, Alex has given us time to get away. Where is a safe place to hide out?" Dundral sighed "It may be a risk, but we can try soukai city, that place has a friend of mine." Kiana nodded "alright, and what about you end?" End just shrugged "I'll go wherever, however, I did want to have a fair fight with Alex, so I'll stay." Kiana nodded "Then it's settled then, we'll go to soukai, dundral I hope you know how to get there. I know my way around these tunnels but once we surface, you'll have to take over."

due to Alex's recent fight with dundral he wasn't fit to fight, his strength had yet to return as rita knocked him down he knew that it would be a long time before he saw the others again. Rita turned him  over and said "Where did the others go?" Alex shook his head "Gone, you won't find them, not for a long time." Rita threw the boy on the ground knocking him out.

"These tunnels aren't designed to be used by more than two people, me and Alex created them to use in a situation like this." Said Kiana "Didn't think I'd ever have to use them though, funny." Dundral was intrigued and end just look bored. As they trio got to the sewers Kiana said "Not far now, just to the end of the sewers and Dundral can take us to the place to hide."

Alex was strapped down on a table with rita looking at him "I'll wait for the overseer, don't go anywhere." Alex rolled his eyes, on the way up he know how polite rita was, apologizing for what had happened and when Alex felt hurt when she treated his wounds. As rita left he tried to get out of the restraints but gave up after a while, he could only sigh and say "I hope she follows the plan."

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