The Sea

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It took Alex a moment to realise that he had been changed, something or someone put a fresh pair of clothes on him he then heard the earpiece say again "Welt I just received your signal, respond?" Alex then placed the piece in his ear and said "Welt isn't here, and I don't know who he is?" The voice then said "we- wait, I recognize that voice, Alex?" Alex then realized who he was speaking to and said "Dr einstein?" He then heard "Yes, where are you how did you get the earpeice?" Alex then said "found it floating I then heard you say something. Where am I" Einstein then said "in the Sea of quantra, most likely. How did you even get there?" Alex just shrugged "I don't know, I just woke up 20 minutes ago." Einstien then said "Keep the earpiece in then, find welt, he has brown hair like you so he shouldn't be hard to-" Alex then heard a cry for help and said "I see, well I just heard someone yell so I'll go take a look." Einstein sighed "fair enough I don't know who else is here though."

Alex jumped from the mug to a train car and ran up it as he saw a purple honkai beast, chariot from what he's seen as well as "Mei!!! Seele!!!!" He yelled as he caught them both, Mei then said "Alex, how did you get here?" Alex put the two down and said "likely the same way you did, but I have some help." He then heard Einstein say "help is a stretch, you're helping us more." Seele then said "I-is it mr Yang, I saw him the first time I was here, he went to the tree." Alex looked at the chariot beast and said "so finish this guy off and get out of here, I'll open a portal and get you to the small one." He then placed his radio into Mei's hand "call Kiana once you enter, she'll do the rest." Seele then said "You're going after welt alone?" Alex put his hand on Seele's shoulder "yeah, I can't risk losing anyone else."

The beast was slain and Alex opened the portal. Mei stepped in followed by Seele. But before she did Alex said "seele, can you tell Sarah that I'm ok. That I'm alive at least?" Seele nodded "yes, I can do that." Alex smiled "thank you."

Alex ran around looking for his target when he saw something esnare him. as he was dragged in he could feel something go wrong. His vision went black and the last thing he heard was "be careful of the bub-" before the static kicked in. what ever she said was too late for him to become aware.

"I don't understand, how did this happen?" Said a couple of adults to a doctor. Alex listened in, for a short while "You son had some, mental problems, Yelling won't fix it." Alex just sat there quietly before another doctor came up to him and smiled "Alex, are you ready for your tests?" Alex gave a nod before standing up The doctor lead him to a room and smiled as the door opened Alex got sucked into it.

Alex was spat out into the Sea of quantra again and he looked around "what happened?" A man then helped Alex up and said "this was one of the many trials some may face in here, rest up for a moment, get your bearings." Alex looked at the person, it was a male, white hair. "who are you?" He asked The male responded "I'm kevin. what are you doing here?" Alex then said "I got lost, but now I have a mission, to rescue any allies before escapin-" he then felt his body fly across the area and the man named Kevin was gone before he could get up. He then said into the earpiece "dr Einstein what was that?" Einstein then said "you were talking to someone, what was his name, Kevin?" Alex nodded "yeah, I'll keep an eye out for him."

Dr tesla's Mech arrived with the two scientists and Sarah went out to greet them "dr tesla, dr einstein, I guess you are here for the anomaly in the hyperion?" Tesla nodded using the mech to deliver equipment inside "yeah, and also take this." She tossed an earpiece to Sarah and told her "put it on, Someone wants to speak to you." Sarah place the piece in her ear and said "hello?" and she immediately recognized

Alex smiled when he heard sarah's voice and she said "Alex you're ok, where are you, Mei and Seele just got back a few minutes ago did you help them?" Alex smiled "yeah, I'm just here looking for someone named welt, I'll hopefully be out soon, if I don't get killed. There is someone else here, he attacked me." Sarah became worried "be careful Alex."

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